Chapter 15

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At night, they both go to an underwater restaurant where you can dine while watching fish swim around you. It is one of the most luxurious restaurants. "I think I prefer dinner on the beach, but it's still nice here," Singto says. Krist gave a nod. "Are you still looking into your father's case?" Krist ask while they wait for their food. "Yes. The more I look, the more I think that I'm trusting the wrong person," Singto responds. "What do you mean?" Krist ask back.

"Uncle Mark. I'm not sure what to say, but I have a feeling he knows something. But I can't draw any conclusions until I hear the entire story," Singto explains. He paused for a moment as their food arrived. "I have a feeling Uncle knows something I don't or shouldn't know. He left Thailand after the death of his son. After that, return after Dad died. I did some research and discovered that he returned exactly a week before my father died," Sing continues.

"You say he moved out after his son died. What is the cause of his son's death?" Krist asks while eating. "From what I understand, he died in the hospital. Someone has kidnapped his son. After a week, police discovered that his son had died in a house fire with the kidnapper. But his wife is still convinced that his son is alive. Everyone thought he was delusional because the impact of losing her son that she didn't even get the chance to hold him. That's why they move." Singto elaborated. Krist couldn't help but cry. That is heartbreaking to hear.

"After dad died, he treated us as if we were his son. I believe that's the only way for him to cope with the loss of his wife and son." Singto continue. "Whatever happens, I will always be by your side," Krist says, promising to be by Singto's side. Singto smiles as they both continue to eat.

Making promise is easy but to keep the promise is hard.


When he got a call from phi New saying that Papi was drunk, he immediately told his driver to take him to the club. Gun walks into the club, looking for both of them. When he sees phi New waving his hand at him, he rushes over to them. To his surprise, Papi appeared to be completely wasted. "Don't bother asking me. I try to get him to stop drinking, but he refuses. I can take him home, but I got called from the hospital," New explains. " Did you drink phi New? Are you sure you can treat your patient?" ask Gun, he can't help but asking.

Hearing this, New burst out laughing. "Well, not because I have patient, but there are a few documents that I need to review because I have an urgent meeting with the board director tomorrow morning," he ruffled Gun's hair. "And I only drink one glass. I didn't have time to drink more because your beloved Papi was still drinking." Gun nodded. "Would you mind assisting me in getting him to the car? I came with the driver," Gun ask. In comparison to Papi, who is a giant, he is as small as a little bean. He can't carry him by himself. Quickly assist Gun in bringing this massive drunken man to the car.

"Be careful," says Gun. Gun nodded and entered the car. The car then drove away to Off's house.

"Papi, why are you drinking so much?" Gun couldn't help but ask. Despite knowing that he will not receive a response, he continues to ask. Off opens his eyes and scans the area around him. It took Gun by surprise. When he notices Gun beside him, he bursts out laughing. "Was I really that drunk until I saw you?" Off ask. He stroked Gun's face from his eyes to his nose to his lips. "Yup. I was really drunk, and I must be dreaming right now," he says in response to his own question.

"Did you really miss me until you thought it was all a dream?" Gun ask. It looks like fun to mess with a drunken Papi. Off simply nodded. "Yes," he says, grabbing Gun's face and turning it to face him. "I'm really missing you. And I want to hug and kiss you right now. Everything that could keep you by my side all day." "How come you don't do it?" "Because you're my boss's brother. I'm afraid my boss will kill me if I do that," Off responds. He chuckled as he imagined Singto turning into a lion and killing him.

Gun keep quiet. When they arrived at Off's house, Gun told his driver that he could bring him inside because Off was awake, even though he was still drunk. Gun even told him to go home because he was going to spend the night with Off. He tries to pull Off out of the car, but he resists. "Papi.. Okay, let's go inside. I've arrived. I will not leave you all alone," Gun says, attempting to persuade Off to get out of the car. "Promise?" Off inquires. Gun smiled and nodded. He eventually gets Off out of the car after several attempts. Off kisses Gun after Gun unlocks the door and before they enter the house. Gun was too surprised to act or speak.

Gun manages to push Off before the kiss becomes more intense. "Even in my dreams, you push me away," Off laments. "Do you still think this is a dream after kissing me?" Gun inquires. "First, let's go inside." Gun said and enters the house. He was surprised that Off still thought it was all a dream. 'Are we really not on good terms until you think this is a dream and not real?' Gun wondered.

He tucked Off into bed and changed into his pyjamas. And it's not going to be easy. He was about to leave him and go into his room after finishing everything, but Off stopped him. Off converted one of the guest room into Gun room because he was so close to him and spent so much time here. He brought everything, including his clothes. "It's fine. I'm still around. I'm just going to my room," Gun says. "Nope. I want you to sleep here," Off replied. He had no choice when he saw Off's persistence. 'I'll make sure he doesn't drink too much after this.' He climbed into bed and lie next to Off.

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