Chapter 42

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Singto was furious when he heard that. "So it was him who murdered my mother. He's insane. Really crazy," he grips his hand, attempting to contain his rage. He had no idea Lowkhun could do anything. "I know it's unbelievable, but he's the type of person who will do anything to satisfy his need," Tay explained. As he went through all of this, he felt terrible for Singto. Singto rubbed his face, "After that?" Singto inquired.

Flashback 17 years ago,

After sending an email to Ruangroj informing him of the incident, he closed his laptop and leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes for a few moments. The door swung open, revealing Sangpotirat beaming at Phunsawat. Phunsawat blinked and lifted an eyebrow at Sangpotirat. "A new restaurant has opened. Should we go?" asks Sanpotirat cheerfully. "Are you taking me on a date?" Phunsawat responds. He has known Sangpotirat for nearly 7 months. And whenever he had the opportunity to charm, he did so. Sangpotirat nodded and smiled.

Sangpotirat dragged Phunsawat out of his office and directly to his car when he noticed he hadn't moved. While they were on their way to the restaurant, Phunsawat received a call from Singto's school, informing him that Singto was not feeling well. So they both go to Singto's school to fetch him up first. "Should we return home? He didn't feel well," Sangpotirat inquires. "Let's eat first," Phunsawat shaking his head and said, "He needs to eat before he can sleep," Phunsawat explained. Sangpotirat nodded and continued driving to the closest restaurant. A black van suddenly attacked their vehicle. They load the three of them into the truck and drive away.

When Phunsawat opened his eyes, he noticed that he and Sangpotirat were both bound to a chair. He looked around and discovered Lowkhun. "What in the world are you doing? Leave us alone, bastard!" exclaims Phunsawat. Lowkhun smiled and said, "It was nice to see you again." He took out his gun and pointed it at Sangpotirat. "No... Please let him go," Phunsawat begged Lowkhun, but this guy didn't seem to care what he said. Lowkhun turned around and grabbed Phunsawat's head to turn around too. His eyes were opened wide when he saw his son, Singto, bound and weak. Lowkhun then let go of his head.

Phunsawat looked at the lowkhun who was clutching the gun. "Please release them. They had nothing to do with us," he begged Lowkhun again. Sangpotirat was struggling to lift his head. He had been severely assaulted and was now tied up in the chair. He was next to Phunsawat. And far away, a small child, Phunsawat son Singto, who had already collapsed. Lowkhun stands up and laughs, "Let them go? Of course, if it's about that little child. He has absolutely nothing to do with us. But not this man. I can't do that," Lowkhun said again, pointing his pistol at Sangpotirat. "Because he cares deeply about you. Although I'm not sure if you like him or not. But he must experience what I experience when you marry her!" Lowkhun yelled. "It's okay, since I'm nice enough, I give you time to talk before you can't," Lowkhun said as he stepped outside the room.

"I'm sorry for dragging you into this. Trust me, we'll find our way out," Phunsawat make a promised to Sangpotirat. "Can you take care of Krist if anything happens to me?" Sangpotirat asked. "No, no, no. We'll discover a way out. I'm not going to let him harm you. He is not allowed to hurt someone I care about," Phunsawat said. "Ouh," said Lowkhun as he entered the room. "So you've developed feelings for him. Interesting. Then, you have to see this," Lowkhun said to Sangpotirat, pointing his pistol at Phunsawat. Lowkhun fired his weapon without hesitation. Sangpotirat's eyes widened as he realised Phunsawat had died. Phunsawat pulled another trigger, this time aimed at Sangpotirat. Another bullet was out.

"Goodbye forever" said Lowkhun to both of them. Suddenly the little kid wake up and yell as he seeing his dad died. Lowkhun told his man to settle about that kid. Including make a fake death for both of them.

"He was the mastermind behind both your father's and Krist's father's phoney death certificates. He planned everything so well that no one suspected him," Toy said. Singto's hands were trembling as he listened to the entire tale. His recollection of what occurred at the time became more vivid. He's at a loss for words. His sobs streamed down his cheeks, and he made no sound. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Krist. You were right. I lied to you," Singto said, weeping.


New had to check some files in the emergency department. While he was lost in his own universe, a patient came and he looked at that patient. New was quite surprised to see it was Uncle Mark. "What happened to him?" New ask of the EMT who has brought Uncle Mark. "Sir, he got into an accident. His condition is quite serious," say the paramedics. Uncle Mark was being treated by a few doctors and nurses when New turned his head. As his thoughts went blank, New could only look. "Prepare the operating room. We need to operate him right now," one of the doctors said abruptly. The nurse, who was also in charge of treating Uncle Mark, nodded and proceeded to prepare the operating room.

New take a few steps closer to the doctor and inquire, "What happened?" "He was in a accident. There was an blockage around his heart. His blood movement is irregular, particularly in the heart. I believe it was triggered by a strong impacton. We need to operate him as soon as possible because his pulse keep dropping, Director," said the doctor. They immediately brought Uncle Mark to the operating room after New nodded. As his hand shook, New took out his phone to call Gun, informing him that Uncle Mark had been in an accident and was presently in the operating room. He ran into Gun and Off outside the operation area. Waiting for the procedure to be completed. While they waited, New took out his phone and texted Tay about Uncle Mark. While Off was calling Singto, he did not respond. Gun became enraged when Off failed to call Singto, but he did not pick it up it.

'My heart was about to soft for you then you did this. What are you trying to do exactly, Singto' Gun wondered alone.

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