Chapter 20

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The house was already dark when Singto arrived home. Everyone is most likely sleeping. He went straight to his room, but he came to a halt when he noticed one figure who had fallen asleep on the sofa. He walks over to the sofa and gazes tenderly at the sleeping figure. His hand delicately caressed the sleeping figure's cheek. "Sorry... Please know that I always love you, baby." Singto try hard not to cry. Singto carefully picks up Krist, not to wake him, and walks straight to his room.

He slowly places Krist on the bed and quickly enters the bathroom. After a quick shower, he changes into pajamas and lies down next to Krist.


Krist rolled onto his side before getting up. He looked beside him and saw that it was empty. He fell asleep on the sofa while waiting for phi Singto, as far as he recalls, but awoke in the bed. It must be phi Singto who pick him up, but where is he? Krist looks at his nightstand for his phone and notices a memo telling him that the older one has already gone to the office due to an emergency.

"Seems so busy," Krist murmurs. After that, he quickly got up and went to the shower. Ignoring his heart's desire. Disappointment, discomfort, and distance. Singto was already quiet before they went on vacation. Krist assumed that after their vacation, everything would return to normal, but it appears that he will need to work harder.

"Did you wake up on the wrong side?" Gun ask. Krist shakes his head and takes a seat at the table in front of Gun. "Nope. Your brother came home late and leaves for work pretty early" Krist responds. "It's not a surprise I didn't see him this morning. Should I confront him?" "Are you scared of him?" "I'm not afraid if it's about you. Even though he is my brother, if he dares to hurt you, I will yell at him." Krist burst out laughing. Gun makes a proud face. "There's no need to do that. I'm fine," Krist says. Knowing what would happen if Gun began yelling at Singto, world war three would begin.

Krist quickly excused himself after finishing his breakfast to go to his shop. His phone began to buzz, indicating a new notification, which he ignored because he was driving the car. When he arrives at his shop, he parks his car in front of it and quickly opens the phone, hoping it was Singto. However, he is wrong.

Krist Perawat..

What a beautiful name, is it?

Krist raised his eyebrow. It's from unknown number.

I'm sorry but who are you? And how did you get my number and know my name?

It's not important. What's importance right now is I know you and I know something that you did not know.

Interest to know?

Seriously. Who the hell is this guy? When Krist about to ignore there's new notification came up.

Ignoring me... Interesting. Well, when you need something, please let me know.

I'm sorry but I don't know you. And I don't need anything.

Krist quickly blocked that number after responding. He can't help but wonder where this guy got his name and phone number. "Something I didn't know?" What does it imply? He quickly goes inside the shop, not allowing this thing to completely consume his mind.


"So, all this time, all this investigation, only to discover that. All those who attacks Gun related to Dad? My father, who is currently in grave? Is that what you're attempting to say?" Singto ask in disbelief. Off let out a long sigh. "Look, I know you're not going to believe me. I couldn't believe it either. And believe me, I kept looking back, but it was still the same. And I'm not sure how." "Stop.. It's fine, you know. I'm fairly certain they will not attack Gun anymore. Just drop this case," Singto cut Off.

Off appears hesitant, but he continues to say, "I'm sorry. I sincerely apologise." "No need," Singto says, waving his hand. "Please let me know if they continue to attack Gun. We'll think about it later." Off excused himself by nodding.

"I suspected one of you was lying, but it appears that both of you provided the same information. Moving on after forgiving the past. It's easy to say but difficult to do," Singto wonder.


Off leaves Singto's room and enters his own. "Ahh... I should have known he'd rage over this stuff." Off rubbed his irritated face. He checked the time; it was 9.30 a.m. Because Gun has a class at 10 a.m., he quickly gathers his belongings and leaves to send Gun to university. Singto could see Off rushing out from a distance, knowing he was going to pick Gun.

When he arrived at Gun's house, he rolled down his window and saw Gun running into his car. When Gun entered the car, he quickly hugged his papi. "What's wrong with you?" Gun inquires, noticing papi is not in a good mood. "Nothing. Just had the toughest meeting with your brother," respond Off. He drove quickly to university because he didn't want Gun to be late for his class.

"What's the matter with phi Singto today? It was phi Krist before, and now it's you. Now, I'm terrified for my life," Gun says. Off raised his brows and ask, "Really? He's probably fighting with Krist, which is why he's not in a good mood today. But haven't they just returned from vacation?" "Well, I'm not sure, papi. Did you know that he went out to meet his subordinate last night and returned home late? He goes to work early this morning," Gun complained to papi about his brother.

"Wait, you say he met with his subordinate? Why I don't know," Off muses. "If you don't know which means it's not about work, So, where did he go?" Gun said give puzzle look to papi. Both Gun and Off were quiet, wondering where Singto had gone the night before. "Did he cheat on phi Krist?" Gun exclaimed. "That's highly unlikely. I'm know with him. He is not going to do that. I need to talk to New." Off response. Gun couldn't stop worrying about his brother. Hoping that their assumption is incorrect.

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