Chapter 44

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They didn't move even a little during the entire time. They remain seated, awaiting the result. Singto cried the entire time until there were no more tears to shed. He kept staring at the letter, as if he could sense Uncle Mark's presence. His thoughts are all over the place. Singto is unsure what to think first. Everything is a mess. Not until Tay received a new notification from New. Notification that they were unable to save Uncle Mark and that he died just now.

"I'm sorry, Singto, but I got a message from New saying they couldn't save Uncle Mark," Tay explained. Hearing the news, Toy exclaimed. One truth after another emerges. Singto did not get a chance to breathe, another things are coming. And he is currently feel uselees. He feels as if the universe is punishing him and that he does not deserve to be forgiven. Singto tried everything, but why is the universe still cruel to him? Was he not trying hard enough? As much as he desired an answer to all of those questions, he did not have the answer for all of question.

"You can go first if you want. I'd like to stay here and await the result. There is only one more question about everything. Was he my biological father or not? I need to know," Singto said. Tay and Toy both nodded and decided to stay. From one hour to two hours, and so on until four hours. After such a long wait, three of them enter the room when they are asked. The document is given to them by the doctor in charge. Singto accept it and read the document. And his world came crashing down around him as he read it.


Gun had not seen Singto since from the hospital until the funeral. Not even his shadow was there. He waited for a long time but never saw him. Gun noticed Krist also coming. Off and New kept looking around for Singto, but they couldn't find him. After a long wait, the guests began to leave one by one. He came to a halt in the middle of the coffin as they were about to close it because he finally saw Singto. Singto walked weakly to the coffin, holding a few pieces of paper in his hand. Tay and Toy trailed behind him.

As Singto approached the coffin, he took Uncle Mark's hand and said, "Dad... you little Simba is here. Please, Dad, wake up.... Your son, who went missing 26 years ago, has returned. He has arrived. Please wake up," Singto begged. Tay and Toy simply bow their heads. Everyone who was still present was taken aback by what Singto had just said. New, Off, Gun, and Krist are among them. "The dna test results are already in. It shows that you were my father. Please get up. Please forgive Singto for not recognising you as my dad. Please forgive Singto.... Please wake up so Singto can call you dad.... Singto don't have anyone anymore. Please do not leave Singto, dad. Singto needs you," Singto wailed, clutching the soulless body of Uncle Mark. No, not Uncle Mark, but his dad. His father.

Everyone was stunned as they witnessed what had occurred, but they did not asked as to what had happened. Gun wanted to go to Singto and ugged him, but his foot was stuck. He could only see Singto sobbing beside Uncle Mark's coffin. They could hear anything because everyone had gone silent, but right now, the only thing they could hear was Singto's sobbing.


Tay instructed Toy to send Singto home. While he told everyone to stay over, New, Off, Gun, and Krist. He does feel owe to explain himself to them. Tay finally speaks after gathering everyone. "First and foremost, I hope everyone can listen to everything before jumping to conclusions," Tay paused and looked around. He finaly told them everything when he saw them getting ready. He didn't leave anything out. Starting with how Sir Mark lost his son, to how both Gun and Krist's father died, to the result of the DNA test. He didn't leave anything out.

Tay looks around at everyone's expressions, and all he sees is shock. Both Gun and Krist began to cry, with New holding back his tears and Off feeling sad but needing to remain calm for Gun. "And we gotta to do something right now. I don't think that bastard would let Singto go," Tay said. "Let's discuss this later. I think everyone is tired right now," Off said. Everyone, especially Gun, would be exhausted from crying all day. Everyone left after saying their goodbyes. Leaving New and Tay, who were still present.

Tay looked at New and noticed that there was still awkwardness between them after their last goodbye. "I think I'm going now," Tay said, sracth his neck. Tay smiled and walked away. New could only see Tay walked away, as if he lacked the courage to stop him. 'Was this really what I wanted?' New questioned himself. He admits that Tay has made a place for himself in his heart, but he doesn't understand why it is so difficult for them to be together.


Singto enters his house by himself. It's almost dark outside. The house was dark and empty. The same goes for his heart. And the tears are falling once more. SIngto Prachaya is feeling empty for the first time in his life. As empty as he possibly can 'They are the light that I've carried my entire life. Without them, I'm like a house without lights,' Singto reasoned. He musters all of his courage to turn on the lights. He loomed at the living room in front of him once the lights were turned on. He could only see Krist and Gun playing a video game.

"Yes. I win!" exclaims Gun. Gun begins happily jumping and dancing around the living room just to annoy Krist. Krist, on the other hand, simply crossed his hand and pouted. "It's just that I'm not working hard enough. And let's just say you got lucky." Krist stated. "Am I right, phi?" he asked, turning his head to Singto.

Singto nodded as if everything was real when Krist asked him a question.

Krist smiled at him and returned his attention to the game. "Let's go for another round. And I will not lose to you," Krist stated firmly. Gun and Krist both started playing again.

Singto takes a step towards the kitchen, not wanting to make himself any more sad. When he passed the dining room,

"I've already prepared all of your favourite foods, Phi. Come and eat with us," Krist invited. Gun and Uncle Mark, who are already seated at the table, look at him. Waiting for him to join them for dinner. Singto seated next to Krist. "All right, let's eat. I'm really hungry right now," Uncle Mark said, impatiently waiting for his food.

Singto laughs at Uncle Mark, but when he looks at the table, he realises it's not real. He looked around and realised he was all alone. His smile gradually faded. Singto stood up and walked upstairs to his room. He pulls out his phone and notices a large number of missed calls since this morning. Open the gallery and look for their photo. Picture of him with Krist, Gun, and Uncle Mark. It was Gun 19's birthday. They all appear to be very happy. "I should have died that day. So everything would be fine. Nobody would be hurt. No one," Singto said, sobbing.

Nobody knows what happened that day. Nobody knows how much Singto cried. Only he understands. He feels helpless for the first time since his father died 17 years ago. No one. Nobody could help him. And he's crying as much as he can tonight. Because tomorrow would be different. 'I'm not going to allow history to repeat itself. I'll protect that sweet smile. They are entitled to happiness. I'm not going to let them be bound by their painful past. This is the very last thing I can do for them.' Singto had a thought.

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