Chapter 35

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Singto remained in his own room. He continues to consume alcohol one by one. From one bottle to two bottles, and so on until he lost count of how many bottles of alcohol he had consumed. His phone suddenly buzzed while he was preoccupied with his world. He quickly grabs his phone and opens it, hoping it's Krist. But everything fell apart when he received the notification from Toy. He quickly opened his eyes to see what Toy was texting him.

I've already checkup everything. And so far, what your Uncle told you is true. I've check what time did him board here, and what happened after that incidents. So far, everything he say is true. And as much as I hate to say it, the video that you sent is also true. There's no photoshop in that video. He is the same situation as you. Both of you were victim of circumstance at that time.

About Krist dad, don't worry. I will investigate this matter. Both Tay Tawan and I worked together so we can find the truth as quickly as possible. I ran a background check on him and everything, and he's on our side. He will not abandon us. I'll make certain of it.

If anything happen, I'll let you know sir.

It's okay. I understand. Please don't leave anything behind.

Singto set his phone aside and continued drinking after he finished texting back. He did call Toy to enquire about the video, the letter, and everything Krist had received. Also, he requested an investigation into whether or not what Uncle Mark said was true. And now, Toy has messaged him, confirming everything. He also discovered Tay to enquire about everything, knowing that both Uncle Mark and he were looking for the same thing, which is why Toy decided to worked together with Tay.

Uncle Mark even showed him everything in order to persuade Singto that what he said was true. "At the end of the day, everyone was right and I was wrong," Singto chuckled. He takes another swig of spirits. He looked up at the star through his balcony door, wondering if Krist was doing the same. He glanced at his phone from time to time, waiting for Krist to call or text him. Krist, on the other hand, did not text or call him. And so the night goes, with Singto who keeps drinking and waiting. Waiting for something that Singto isn't sure will happen.


When Gun returned home, it was already late. He could feel the gloominess of the house as soon as he stepped inside. He walked into the house, looking for anyone, but no one was there. He approached the dining table, only to discover Uncle Mark sitting and drinking. "Did something happen?" he asks Uncle Mark. "And whose ring is this?" Gun ask, noticing a ring box in front of Uncle Mark. "Singto. Something occurred between them. Krist leave before Singto can propose to him," Uncle Mark responds without looking at Gun. "What happen? They were so happy this morning? You're lying, right uncle?" Gun asked as he sat down next to Uncle Mark.

"No," Uncle Mark said as he turned to face Gun. "I wasn't lying. Whatever happens, only they will have the answer. None of us could assist in resolving this. Because we are not there when everything occurs." "You know why they fight. Am I correct, Uncle?" Gun asking again. Uncle Mark was quiet. Not sure what to respond. After thinking, Unce Mark finally speak, "Yes, I do. But only they know what is best for each other in this situation. It's not something we can assist or decide for them."

Gun nodded and asked no further questions. Actually, he wants to ask more questions, but seeing how depressed Uncle is, he just forgets about it. He gets up and walks upstairs. Before going to his room, Gun is going to check on Singto first. After several knocks, phi Singto remained silent. He had only opened the door to find phi Singto already in his bed. Even the room smells like alcohol. 'Seems like he's drunk,' Gun thought. He closed the door back and goes straight to his room.


Krist sat on the floor, his back against the foot of the bed. He wanted to cry, but no tears were falling down. After fleeing Singto, he returned to his café and stayed in his room upstairs. He hasn't left his room since he arrived. He didn't do anything but cry. He embraced both of his legs. 'How could you have done this to me? Was my love not valuable to you? Is I just someone you could exact vengeance on? Was everything I did for you is meaningless? Why?' Krist is still thinking about it. Why did Singto lie about his father while he was there? He witnessed their father's death but said nothing. Krist couldn't stop herself from crying. "Arhhhhhh," Krist scream. He screams on top of his lungs, as if releasing every pain he is experiencing right now.

Singto was always there for him when he was sad or upset. Singto pampered and spoiled him in order to wipe away his tears. He couldn't remember the last time Krist cried because of Singto after being with him for so long. "Even at tie like this, all I can think about is your hug. What is wrong with me?" Krist pondered. Krist took out his phone to see if there was a call, but it was completely silent. Krist's hand trembled as he dialled Singto's number, but he lacked the courage to call him. "You smack him. You nearly hit him. Do you think he'll answer your call and come here to get you?" Krist murmurs quietly to himself. Krist wonder why he is such a coward. He scared to call Singto.

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