Chapter 12

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Tay received a phone call informing him that his father had been admitted to the hospital due to a heart attack. As a result, he rushed to the hospital. He quickly went to the assigned room after asking the nurse where his father's room was. When he walked in, he noticed doctor New checking on his father. "Dad! Are you okay?" asking Tay. His father gives a weak smile and shakes his head. "How is my father?" he asked, turning his head to Doctor New, who was busy writing something in the report. "Is it that serious?"

From the look, New can already tell that Tay really loved his dad. "He is not so much serious but he still need to be hospitalised. It's most likely due to the side effects of previous heart surgeries. Let him stay, and I'll do a full checkup" explained New. After done writing the report on that patient, New excuse himself first. Before he could take step after exited the room, Tay quickly goes out and stop him. "I know you were lying. Tell me what exactly happen" urges Tay. He know his dad ask Doctor New to hide the truth so wouldn't worry.

"I'm sorry, but I've already informed you of your father's medical conditions. It is entirely up to you whether you believe or not. Sorry, but I have another patient to check on. Excuse me" New wanted to leave, but Tay stopped him by grabbing him. Tay continues to stare at New. Seeing how stubborn Tay is, he got no choice, "Should I call security to chase you out? Because you are interfering with my work." Tay was hesitant, but he still let go of New's hand. "Meet me in my office after 1 hour," New said before leaving.

Tay enters the room and sits in the chair beside his father's bed. "Did you feel sick at all? Or uncomfortable anywhere?" ask Tay, concerned about his father's health. His father's grin "Don't be concerned. I'm perfectly fine. What the doctor said was correct. It's nothing major." "I know you don't want to worry me, but you're my father. Who else is going to be concerned about you if not me?" "I don't deserve you after everything I've done. Regardless of what I've done, you're still worried about me?"

Tay shakes his head, "I'm still here because you are my dad. And I'm your son." Tay wipe his dad tears. Yes, he is here because this man is his dad.


New give Tay the report. Tay look puzzled, "You do realize that I'm not a doctor, right? Nothing makes sense to me." "I thought you were incredible. It turns out that you're just... mehh.." New trying to burn Tay. Tay stares at him disbelief. New laughing. "Did you know what happen on his surgeries before?" New ask. Tay was quiet for a few moment. He was a bit hesitant to say but New is his dad's doctor. He need to tell anyway.

"I don't know about his previous surgeries," Tay admitted. Newly puzzled. Tay took a deep breath before continuing, "I've lived with my grandmother since I was a child. I've only met him a few times. I believe it is once or twice a year. At the very least. He only decided to stop working and stay at home a few months ago. As a result, I know nothing about him. You could have said that I'm a bad son." New looks at him, puzzled.

"Well, I need to contact the hospital that he's been receive medical before. I could've that he did not receive the good treatment but I couldn't jump into conclusion. And the chart shows that he has a few complications in his heart. Let's just wait until I get the old report on his medical treatment. Anything I will give you a call" explain New. "Thank you" Tay was quite relieved to hear the explanation from New. "Now I understand why he was begging me to hide his condition from you," says the new continuation. "Because he is concerned about you. And just because you don't know anything doesn't make you a bad son." New smilling.


"How's your father, Tay?" Uncle Mark inquires as Tay enters his room. "Not so good, but at least there are doctors and nurses monitoring his condition," Tay responded. He quickly opened his tab and resumed his conversation. "I'm still looking for information about his child. I'm not convinced that his child died with his mother. Also, I discovered that he was there when Sir Phunsawat and Sir Sangpotirat died in an old warehouse. Do you want me to look into that as well?" Tay inquires.

Uncle Mark was taken aback when he heard that. As far as he knows, the person who murdered both of them has already died. And there was no trace of Phunsawat anywhere near the warehouse. "Yes. Please do so. Thank you," Uncle Mark said. He has to find everything before anything bad happens. They can't know about this' he reasoned.


"Do you have any information about those kids?" Lee Thanat asks, holding a glass of wine in one hand. "Nothing. I guess they are fine now. But there is no indication that they will be together," said the man. Lee Thanat clenches his fist and throws the glass he is holding. "He stood up and began walking around the room. "Are they stupid or what! He is already confess so just started dating. It is really hard. What's the point of loving if you can be together?" This totally make him goes crazy.

"Hire another man to attack him. Don't hurt him, a simple warning will be enough." That man nodded and exited the room quickly. "Looks like I need to help," Lee Thanat said as he sat down. "They are too stupid to do anything on their own."

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