Chapter 10

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Off goes straight to Singto office to drop the report first. Report about the man that he asked last night. He goes inside after several knocks. "Well, nothing's wrong about that man. Coincidently, he also having dinner. Could be that he saw Krist and wanted to approach him". Singto just quiet. It seem like he can't process any word that coming from Off mouth. Maybe because Off was talking in language that he doesn't understand or it just too complicated for him to understand.

Singto inhaled deeply "Did you drop Gun first this morning? I thought you were fighting." "Well, he called me to drop him. It's look like we are going okay. Wait.. We're fighting? How did you know?" ask Off. Singto just stare at Off. And the stare was too intense until it could make Off shiver. "I was planning to send him to driving academy for him to get driving's license. So you don't need to pick up and drop him off anymore."

"Why? Wasn't it my job? It's not as if I.." before Off finish his sentence, Singto interrupted "He need to learn to do everything alone without your help. Until when he is going to depend on you. You will get married someday. The same is true for him. That's it. End of discussion" When Singto said that's is, it's mean that no more. It's done. No one can change that. Off bowed and exits the room.

Seeing how Off reacted already show everything. 'Dad... It seem like I can't identify between what is good and what is bad for him. The desires to find good things for him appear to be destroying him in other ways.' Thought Singto. Yes.. That's right. He know everything. But he is unsure whether this is a good or bad thing.


Singto leaves after signing a few documents. He is currently on the lookout for someone. After a few minutes of waiting, "Sir.. I apologise for being late." "Its okay. Oder what you like first." Singto raised his hand to call waiter. After waiting the drink comes, that man finally started talking. "As you can see, there is nothing wrong about him on the first place. He goes work, meet some people and returns home. But, in the last few days, I've noticed that one of his subordinates, Tay Tawan, has been looking into Lowkhun. I thought it was just his job, but I discovered this." That man took a picture of Singto. Singto was quiet.

"I didn't find much information about them. But all I know is that the three of them were friends once. Lowkhun was heartbroken after your father married your mother. Also, I discovered that the entire thing is not coincidence. It look like someone is behind everything," the man continues. " I don't know Toy.. More I want to convince that he doesn't know everything behind my dad's death, the more it doesn't make sense. The timing is off" Singto repond.

Toy can only listen. He is at a loss for words. He's only here because Singto hired him. However, he did feel sorry for him deep down. Consider the possibility that someone close to you is concealing something from you. And you couldn't help yourself because you loved them. Singto took a deep breath, "I did already transfer you the money. You can continue your job, watch him closely. And don't let anything about him out of your sight. Ohh.. Before I forget, also do some background search on Tay Tawan. That's all. You can go now, Don't let anyone know about this." After put everything inside his bag, Toy bid a goodbye.

'What are you hiding from me, Uncle? How much the truth do you keep?' thought Singto.


During the night, after having dinner with Krist, Uncle Mark, Gun and also Off who arrive in time also joined them. But throughout during dinner, Singto just keep quiet. Seing how close Gun with Off, how Uncle Mark treat both Krist and Gun left Singto with one thousand question. All he sees is everyone having a good time. The sweet smile coming from Krist. The joyful laughter from Gun. What if one day it all disappeared and he was the reason why the sweet smile, joyful laughter gone. Will they sit and listen what he is going to say?

Just having thought what will going happen already make Singto give up. 'Let's find all the truth first'

"You were extremly quiet during dinner. You even ate a little. Are you okay, phi?" ask Krist while getting ready to go to bed. "A lot of things happen right now. I've got to think everything before make any decision." "Phi.. You don't need to push yourself in order to make everyone happy. Just think of yourself and your future. What's the point having a better future if we were alone" Krist trying to comfort Singto. For everyone, Singto is someone who always thinks of them themselves. But to Krist, Singto is someone who thinks others first before him. Is just his way were much more complicated than other people.

Singto hugged Krist tightly as is he doesn't want to let him go at all. "Baby, if anything happen, will you still be my side?" ask Singto while looking at Krist eyes. Krist smiled "What kind of question is that? Of course I will still be here. I'll be the first person you see when you wake up. When you were sad, I would be the first to hug you. When you're lost, I'll be the first to point you in the right direction. When you're happy, I'll be the first to rejoice. And when you're about to fall asleep, I'll be right next to you, hugging you the entire night. I always be there next to you."

"You know what phi. By the end of the month, let's go on holiday Just two of us. You must rest and stop worrying about everything. Don't worry, I will handle everything. All you need to do is follow me. Okay?" ask Krist. Singto nodded. "I love you baby." "And I love you two phi." And both of them fell asleep in each other arm. Secure that they always be together.

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