Chapter 14

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"Anything about my dad?" ask Tay as New exits the room. "Do me," says New, mischievously. New really knows how to get Tay's attention. Every time they've met in the last two weeks, New has gotten on his nerves. If it wasn't because New is his father's doctor, he might have already thrown a punch in his face or thrown himself into him. Tay takes a few steps forward after checking his side to make sure no one is nearby. "I can do it, but are you certain you want to do it here?"

"Your father can go home today," New says, pushing Tay back. The result are back. It's not pretty good, so he need to come every three month for his appointment. Here is his medication slip, please take it to the pharmacist. That's all." Before New go, Tay took his hand to stop him, "Are you free tonight? Let's have dinner together. Or you can called it a date." "Ha.. Keep dreaming" said New and quickly left.

Tay smiles and walks into the room to tell his father that he can go home today.


Both Singto and Krist enjoy their breakfast facing the sea. "I thought you wanted sex with me last night?" Krist inquires. He's curious because they went back to their room after dinner last night. Singto turns on the television, and they both watch until they fall asleep. "Would you like to have sex?" "I was hoping we'd do it last night." "If we do it, we might not go anywhere today and just stay in bed."

"You always know how to shut me up," Krist said, shaking his head. "Are you sure?" Singto continues to eat his breakfast while smiling innocently. "What is it about me that you like so much?" ask Krist. "Why did you suddenly ask me that question?" Singto responds. Krist simply shrugged. "I'm not sure. I just wanted to ask you."

After giving thought, Singto responds, "I'm not going to tell you." Singto goes inside leaving Krist in frustration. Krist finish his breakfast and quickly get ready. They got a lot of things to do today.


For the thousand time, Off sigh. New had enough of that, "For god sake, just call him. What's so hard about that?" Off just stare at him blankly. "I did. But he didn't respond. He's been acting as if I'm nothing for the past few weeks. I dropped him off at university, picked him up, and accompanied him to the bookstore. But he remained silent. If he gets his license, he probably won't need me anymore," Off stated solemnly.

"Not try to mention, but I've still got no clue who's behind this" add Off. New raised his eyebrow. "Those men who are attacking Gun. It happened once more a few days ago. But, strangely, the moment they saw me, they ran away," Off explains. "Do you still have no idea who's behind this?" New asked, crossing his hand. Off shake his head, "Nope. But everything kind related to Khun Phunsawat. Singto and Gun's dad." "How?" ask New.

"I do background check on those men who attack Gun, it turned out all of them either have worked with Khun Phunsawat or their parents. The parents who worked with Khun Phunsawat are currently in jail right now. It appears that he imprisoned them" Off explains carefully. He doesn't want anyone hearing what he's saying. New simply sighs. This is difficult. "You should tell Singto after they get back from their honeymoon," New says. This type of thing cannot be concealed from Singto. It's better to tell them than for him to discover it on his own. Off simply nodded.

Someone is already hearing everything without their knowledge. He quickly left after hearing the most important part, before Off and New caught up with him.


Singto and Krist rush out of the house after finishing their breakfast to go on helicopter tours. They both enjoy their helicopter tour. They can see the beautiful Hulhumale Island and Male Island from completely different views. Not only that, but they get to see the entire Maldive Island from the sky. Despite Krist screams after seeing how high it is, Krist enjoys it. Even if he did close his eyes some times. But when you see how happy Singto is, all his worries fade away. They take a short break after landing.

"Last night, someone told me that he'll be fine. But it appears that he is not," Singto laughs. Krist pout and crossed his fingers. Singto seem like he can't stop laughing. "Phi... you can't blame me. Well, it appears to be fun until I ride it." Just thinking about it makes him want to vomit. Yes, it's scary, but it's still entertaining. "Are you sure you're okay? If not, we can go straight to our room," ask Singto, concerned. "I'm fine," Krist says, shaking his head. I just need to take a quick break. I feel calm when I hear the sound of a wave. I think I just want to swim in the pool. Probably tomorrow I will jump into the sea." Singto nodded and help Krist to get up. Both of them goes back to their room.

Singto ordered room service for their lunch after a half-hour nap. Krist does not appear to be in a good enough state to go out to lunch. "I'm sorry" say Krist guilty. "What are you sorry for?" "Well, because of me, we don't go out much" explain Krist. Singto nodded and stuffing food into his mouth, "Yeah. You spoiled our fun today." Krist looked at him, stunned. 'Did he just agree? Not going to say it not my fault' thought Krist.

Singto swallows his food and opens his mouth again, "How about tonight, after dinner, let me have dessert?" Krist shrugs and continues to eat. Singto continues to eat while laughing. Seeing how mad Krist is, he can't help but chuckled. It cute.

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