Chapter 38

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Singto was on his way to work. He was not in the mood to work, but Off inquired whether he would be there or not. Because he stated that he needs to discuss something. Singto decided to stop at Krist café and see him from his car before heading straight to his office. He looked inside the café and noticed Krist cleaning it up before it opened. He could tell Krist was unhappy. "I'm sorry. I hurt you," Singto said, unaware that tears were falling from his left eye.

Singto finally drove away after waiting until the café opened. He didn't want Krist to know he was there. But, without realising it, Krist was aware that Singto was watching over him.


Before entering, Off knocked on the door. "Are you all right? Your face appears swollen," Off asking, concerned. He took a seat in front of Singto. Singto raises his head. "Nothing. By the way, what's really important that you need to discuss?" Singto inquires. Singto didn't want Off to press further because he wasn't in the mood to discuss what had happened with him and Krist with anyone. "I want to confess something," Off finally said. He was also perspiring.

Singto remained silent, intent on hearing what Off had to say. "It was all about Gun and me. We're seeing each other and are currently in a relationship," Off finally says. He looks at Singto, who remains motionless and solemn. He was worried about what Singto would say, but he had already decided to go ahead with it. It's better to do it now rather than later. He even texted Gun to see if he could come.


Gun arrives at phi Krist café not long after Singto has left. He decided to drop by here first because he was about to fix his brother's relationship. Gun is aware that his brother is constantly crying to his uncle about phi Krist. That's why he came here. Who knew Gun could save their relationship? When he enter the café, there aren't many people there because it's still early. Gun approaches phi Krist, who is busy arranging the cakes inside the refrigerator. "Phi Krist," Gun said. Krist turned around, surprised to see Gun. Krist was about to flee when Gun caught phi Krist's hand. "All I want to do is talk to you. And I came here by myself. Please don't run away," Gun begs. He was taken aback when he saw phi Krist attempting to flee from him.

"If you want to talk about your brother, please go away," Krist sighed. "There is nothing to discuss. Please excuse me, I'm very busy." Krist yanked Gun hand away from him. "I'd like to know what happened between the two of you. And this isn't the phi Krist that I know. What exactly happened?" Gun asks again, attempting to stop phi Krist from leaving. "Gun, please leave. I'm not going to see him or you. Please leave. I beg you," Krist said. Gun was about to speak again but Krist stopped him by saying, "What happened between me and your brother, only we know about it. If you're that interested, go ahead and ask him. And I don't think we can go back to how we were. Please leave and never came here again," Krist said.

Krist went up to his room, leaving Gun alone. Gun stopped himself from capturing phi Krist and only sent him away with his eyes. "Everything seems so messed up," he realises this time. "And there's no way they'd ever be together again," Gun muses as he walks out of the café. He decided to go straight to phi Singto's office because papi texted him to come if he had time, even though he had no idea what was going on.

When he arrives at his brother's office, he immediately goes to his brother's room. Before entering the room, Gun inquired of phi Singto's secretary, "Was phi Singto inside his office?" "Yes, sir Jumpol also inside," she said, nodding. When the secretary noticed Gun about to enter, he asked, "Are you sure you want to go inside and not wait until they finish?" Gun nodded and smiled. He opened the door slowly so as not to surprise them. Gun opened the door slightly to see his brother, and he overheard phi Singto saying to papi, "Then, break up with him. Stay as far away from him as possible, don't bother him, and leave him alone," Singto stated solemnly.

Gun slammed the door open, startling both Singto and Off who were conversing inside. He addresses them directly, saying, "Who are you to decide who I should date or not? This is my life, and I get to make the decisions. Certainly not you!" Gun screamed at his brother. Singto and Off both stand up, surprised to see Gun. "Gun, wait," Off said, trying to calm him down. "This is not what you are thinking." "Then what!" Gun exclaimed to papi. "I'm not deaf enough to miss what he was saying, papi. Who the hell is he to ask you to end our relationship?" Gun couldn't keep his cool any longer.

"Gun. You're only hearing half of it. Actually, I was going to say..." Singto tries to explain but is cut off by Gun. "Stop talking! Do you think I'm stupid for not understanding what you're saying? This is your issue, phi Singto. You are always concerned with yourself and not with others! This is why phi Krist abandons you. Because your thoughts are entirely focused on yourself and not on others! Because of what happened between you two, he dislikes seeing me as well. It's all thanks to you! You have earned the right to be alone..." A loud slap was heard in the room before Gun could finish. Three of them were taken aback.

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