Chapter 7

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New arrived at Sun and Moon Company. Throughout to Singto's room, he could feel the cold until it makes him shiver. 'Today probably not a best day to come. Look like the lion is out of cage' New wonder but his legs still taking a big step to Singto room. Without giving any warning, he just storm into the room and sat on the sofa. Leaving Singto and a stranger in dazed. "You know basic rule when you want to enter someone room right? Knock the door first. Luckily that you were my friend. If not, I might blow up your head without any warning" said Singto without even looking at New.

"It's okay, finish your job first. I will be here waiting for you to done" New said as he continued to stare at someone. 'Why does I feel like he is someone familiar? Did I meet him before?' New said as he continued to stare him. Singto and the stranger who are apparently in that room continue their discussion and ignore New. After 10 minutes, they decide to finish their discussion. "I think we already covered everything today. If not, I will just give you a call. If there's no more, please excuse me". "Okay. Here's my number, if there's anything just give me a call" Singto handing him a business card. He nodded and goes out of the room.

After seeing that Singto already finish his job, New quickly asked "Who's that? I think I saw him somewhere but I don't remember where?". "Ohh. He is one of my client from Lee Empire. I got a new project with them" Singto responds, taking a seat on the sofa. "Lee Empire? Why they suddenly want to cooperate with your company? Also, I don't think this is a good idea. Is it possible for enemies to work together? Something isn't right" said New while looking at Singto worriedly. Singto just smile. "Don't you worry. It's not like I want to cooperate either. Based on their condition itself already favor their side more than me. Actually there something else". New raised his eyebrow. "Let's go meet Off" Singto stand up and leave New in the room.


"Ohh.. So that's why you decide to cooperate with them. But, what if they also plan something that will bring you down?" New wonders. Both New and Singto headed to Off's room And Off explain why Singto suddenly decide to accept their offer even though it didn't benefit Singto or the company. Singto even ask Off to investigate everything about Lee Empire. "It's okay, he got another plan already. But for the time being, we must ensure that they do not do anything stupid" Off explain. New just sighed. This is definitely crazy. But there is Singto. Based on his past itself show that nothing he always like to take crazy steps. But lucky was his middle name so, nothing goes wrong. 'Not everyone is fortunate all of the time. They will occasionally lose regardless' thought New.

Seeing New was completely silent. Singto finally say "You don't need to worry much I got Off behind my back who will always keep an eye on the situation" New sighed again "If you said like that, there nothing I can do. But if there anything happen, make sure to tell me. And you also have me behind you. Remember that Sing". "I'm pretty sure if Krist was here, he'd be jealous" said Off while laughing hysterically. "Thank you buddy" said Singto. One thing that he know, he is very lucky to have them not as a friend but as a family.

While the three of them were chatting, they were unaware that Singto was staring at Off with an expression that was difficult to read.


Inside Coffee House, there a few barista who busy making the drink for the customer. But there's one barista who definitely attract all the customer either men or women. Yes, he is the owner of Coffee House. Despite having all of the customer's attention, he simply ignores it and continue doing his job.

"Just give me anything but not coffee phi Krist". Krist quickly turned and see Gun who are not much energetic. "just sit down there, I wil bring your water" said Krist, Gun nodded and quickly sat at one of the tables that was a little further away from the rest of the customers. In a moment, Krist sit down in front of Gun while bring him the drink. "Matcha ice latte. Not to sweet"

"Thanks" said Gun. Seeing Gun like that, Krist asked "What's wrong? You don't look happy? Is there something happen? You know that you can share anything to me?" Gun just look at Krist and debating whether or not to tell him. After kept thinking, he decide that he just going to tell him. "I told papi about my feeling". Just six word come out from Gun mouth already shocked Krist. He turned his head before responding to check the situation and, of course, to ensure that Singto was not here. After make sure that everything is fine, he finally asked "Okay tell me from the start, how this happen?" "Well, it all started when he asked why I avoided him so much. Despite my efforts to avoid answering the question, he persisted in pressuring me to do so. And I just give up and yell to him that I have a feeling. I didn't give him a chance to speak because I ran away. He didn't even bother to chase me down." Gun was trying hard not to cry.

Before Krist could say anything, one of his workers called him. Gun just smiling and said "It's okay. You seems like busy. You know what, let's just talk about this another time. When you are not busy. Plus, I forget that I have class after this" "I'm sorry Gun. Yeah.. Let's just talk about it another time and when that little lion was not around" Gun laughed. Only phi krist seems to dare to call phi singto that. Even he is afraid. Krist hugged Gun and sent him out the door with two pairs of his eyes. Krist realised something while working, not every love is easy. Sometimes there is hurdles. Either to make both people stronger in their love for each other or to love themselves without them.

Love is like war. Easy to begin but very hard to stop

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