Chapter 30

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When Singto arrived home, it was already late in the evening. He noticed Krist's car and assumed Krist was already home. He asked his maids as to the whereabouts of Krist. "Nong Krist was out in the backyard with his cats, Sir." SIngto nodded and went to see Krist in the backyard. He noticed Krist continuing to pet one of his children, Pluto, while the other, Muffin, lay next to Krist. Singto walks slowly over to Krist and takes a seat next to him. "It appears that someone has a major problem," Singto observed. He took Pluto from Krist's grasp and placed him in his lap.

"Do our dads know each other?" Krist finally asks the question that had been bothering him. Singto paused before responding, "As far as I know, I don't believe so. Why?" ask Singto back. Krist laughs and shakes his head. "Nothing. Who knew they were a business partner or a friend." "You really think this world is really small. I don't think so," says Singto while laugh. Krist has a sheepish grin on his face.

"Come on, come on. Let's go freshen up first, then we'll have dinner with Uncle Mark. Gun will be returning after dinner. He told me he'll have dinner outside with a friend," Singto said. "Gun having dinner with his friend? But he said he had a date with his boyfr..." Krist comes to a halt in the middle of his sentence, realising he nearly told Singto about Gun's boyfriend. "What? Boy what?" Singto inquires, suspiciously. Krist was sweating and trying to correct himself, "I think I misheard. He said he have dinner with his friend, but he simply refers to it as a date, and friend is short for boyfriend because his friend is a boy. Yeah" Krist gave an awkward smile.

"I believe the person who should see a doctor is you. I can't understand what you were saying. Come on, let's go," Singto said. He is unable to comprehend what Krist has said. Krist stands up quickly, "Yeah. Let's go. I'm really hungry right now." He takes Singto's hand and walks into the house. 'It appears that you also know about it too. I wonder when they'll tell me about it,' Singto thought as he followed Krist to their bedroom.


Singto arrives at his office the next morning to find New and Off waiting for him in his room. "I'm asking both of you to come here to talk about Lee Empire and his ceo, Lee Thanat," he said as he sat on the sofa, unbuttoning one button of his suits. "Do you notice anything odd about him?" Singto asks, looking at both of them. New smirked, "When I asked you about it, you said it's fine, nothing to worry about. And now you're questioning us. How impressive is that" "Can you treat yourself after I kill you?" Singto inquires solemnly.

New extended both of his hands. "Kidding. There's no need to be so serious." "I'm telling you, there's nothing good about that man or his business. Everything is wrong," Off finally says after a long silence. "Even his company history speaks for itself." Off continue again. "So, what are you going to do now? Are you going to cut the deal?" New inquires. Singto sighs and shakes his head, "He has something in which I am interested. I'm not going down without a fight." Off and New both shake their heads. They are curious as to what Singto has planned for this time. "It's fine. We're not going to lose all that much. Just be cautious about anything we say or do. Especially you, Off," Singto said.

"Wait... So he's not interested in the company's profit, but in you? I don't understand," Off said. "My gut is telling me about it, and I'm going to trust it," Singto said as he leaned back on the sofa. "No need to bush the beat, just speak," New said, arched his brow. "Nothing. He is simply one of my adversaries. That's all," Singto responds. Off simply nodded. "So you're just going to keep acting as if you don't know anything. Like that?" New inquires. "What if they attack us unexpectedly? Not physically, but mentally. Usually, the antagonist chooses to attack the protagonist mentally, such as by attacking his lover or his family. What if he chooses that path?" Off wonders. Both New and Off look at Singto asking for the answer of their question.

Singto sighed. "First and foremost, I believe it is preferable to continue rather than stop. If we decide to abandon this project, they will most likely be suspicious, and we have no idea what they will do. Second, based onwhat you said Off, I'm pretty sure they gonna do that. That's why I've been telling you to stay vigilant at all times. They've most likely already sent someone to spy on us. I'm pretty sure they know more about us than we do," Singto said, looking at Off. Hearing that made Off sweating a little. "Fine, whatever happens, please notify me. So that I can assist you," New said, and Singto nodded. Following that, both Off and New excused themselves.

"What are you hiding from us, Off?" New inquired as they entered the lift. Hearing that question, Off quickly pushed the button to open the door lift and drag New to his room. Singto office and Off office were quite far apart. As a result, Singto is unable to hear any of their conversation.

"I'm seeing Gun." After both of them walked in and closed the door, Off dropped the bomb. New exclaimed. "You have to be kidding me, man. Are you serious right now?" New inquires. When he saw Off nod, New couldn't help but sigh. "I'm not going to ask as to how it went. It doesn't matter, but does Singto know?" New ask. "No, I was planning to tell him, but as you can see, a lot of things just happen," Off shakes his head. "I don't intend to keep this relationship a secret from him forever, but we must find an appropriate time to tell him. I thought you were going to support me in dating Gun?" Off explains.

"I'm just surprised at how well it turned out. Based on your story, I assumed the two of you would never hit it off. I'm not against your relationship, but you should notify Singto as soon as possible. You've heard of Singto, right? I'm afraid he'd be even more enraged if he found out from someone other than both of you" advice New. Off simply nodded. Knowing Singto for so long, he anticipates what Singto will say. Either telling them or forcing them to break up. "I wish you the best man," New said, placing his hand on Off's shoulder. He then exited the room.

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