Chapter 24

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After done shopping not only for their kids but also for themselves, now they will go and pick up Gun for dinner tonight. Uncle Mark couldn't go since he preoccupies with work. So it's just three of them. Gun look at his brothers weirdly and asked, "Why are we suddenly have dinner outside? Oh my god, don't tell me that you already pop the question phi Singto?" "Do you think this is the way we are going to tell you if we decide to get married?" ask Singto back, chuckled at Gun's question. Gun just shrugged his shoulders.

Singto pulled out a paper bag and handed it to Gun. "What is this?" Gun ask. Singto motioning to Gun to simply open it. Krist is beaming at Gun. Gun couldn't help but scream when he opened it. It was a pair of sketcher shoes. The one that was recently released and is limited edition. "Did you brought it for me? What are you thinking right now? "Did you brought this for me? Are you fucking serious right now! Did you know that I've been set my eyes on this shoes when the release the design before they officially came out" explain Gun excitedly. He could not hide his excitement.

"Well, today, after we finished shopping for Muffin and Pluto, we stopped at Sketcher because he said he needed to pick up something" Krist laughs. "Do you really enjoy it?" "Why wouldn't I like it? I love it" Gun said. "I hear you've been eyeing those shoes before they're officially released. So I make reservations for you. I wanted to buy a black one because it looked cooler, but they were out. I think blue black look awesome too," Singto says. Gun is the type of person who enjoys all of these luxuries. Especially if it's a limited edition.

"Thank you so much, phi," Gun said, putting his shoes aside. "It's fine. This one is also appealing to me. It will look great with my channel outfit. I love you so... much. You're the best brother on the planet." Gun stands up and rushes over to hug both of his brothers. "So, what did you get for phi Krist?" Gun inquires after taking a seat in the back. "Ouh... You wouldn't want to know," Krist joked. Gun leaned forward a little and asked, "What?"

"Well, where should I start? First, toys for my kids, then new clothes," Krist said as he clasped his hands together. "The third item is, of course, a shoe. Do you think you're the only one who gets it? It just not the limited one. Finally, it's something that will make him crazy about me." Singto chocked when he heard that. He quickly grabbed the water to calm himself down. Gun didn't understand at first, but after seeing phi Singto's reaction, he said, "Geez. I'm not interested in learning about your sex's life. I shouldn't have asked you," Gun admitted, regretting his question to phi Krist. Krist couldn't stop laughing.

"Just a friendly reminder to always wear a condom when having sex. I'm too young to be an uncle," Singto said, his poker face on. Gun was blushing profusely right now, "Stop. Let's just eat." They continue to eat their dinner while cracking jokes and laughing.


"I believe that's all. If there's anything else I can do for you, please let me know," Off said to his client. Another meeting with Lee Empire today. Fortunately, neither of the CEOs is present. So the meeting went off without a hitch. They both nodded and excused themselves. "Please help them," Off said to his secretary. He then exits the meeting room and goes directly to his room. He quickly opened his phone to see if there was a message from Gun.

You don't need to pick me up today. I'm going to library with my friend and phi Singto will pick up from there. We will have dinner outside.

Don't forget to eat and I will call you tonight. I love you papi.

"I will certainly miss you," Off muffles. "Who" Off is taken aback when he sees New. When did this guy walk into his room? "If you're wondering when I entered your room, it was just now. You were distracted by your phone and didn't notice when I did. And who do you miss?" New explains. He took a seat in front of Off. "Why are you here?" Off asks, shaking his head.

"I came here to see Singto, but he didn't show up today. Anyway, while I was in the lobby, I noticed some Lee Empire employees. How did the meeting go today?" New ask. "Well, fate was on our side today because neither of the CEOs was present. So everything went smoothly. Singto was on a date with his boyfriend. He will not be arriving today. As for tomorrow, I'm not sure if he'll show up. But, I can guarantee you that he will be here the day after tomorrow," Off says. "How the hell did you know his schedule?" New questioned.

"Usually, if they go on a date, Singto will take more than a day off. It was their date for the first day. And the second and so on, he'll spend taking care of Krist, who will almost certainly be unable to walk," Off responds casually. New blinked a couple of times. "Ah, now I get it," New said. "Today's meeting went smoothly because neither of them was present. I believe you were correct. They do not want to collaborate with us. They only want vengeance." Off, take out their proposal and present it to New.

"I told you," New said after reading the proposal. "But I'm not sure why Singto would agree to this. I think you should be careful. Singto will be destroyed if this company is destroyed. That's exactly what he's doing right now." Off simply nodded. "But I don't think he was after the company. It's you." New continue again. "How about me?" Off inquires. "All right, look. Who knows the most about Singto? It is we. But it is you, to be more specific. Why? Because you were so close to Gun. So attacking this company means you'll both eventually give up. And the entire secret will be in their possession. They don't give a fuck about this company once it's gone," New explains.

What New is thinking were right. Out of three of them, New was the smartest. Because he think would differently from everyone. Also, if New having bad guts about something, it's usually true. "Let's talk about this when Singto is free" said Off. 

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