Chapter 6

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After their morning task and eating breakfast, both Krist and Singto just just lay in bed and watch TV. Suddenly, Krist remember something, "Phi.. What is relationship between Off and Gun?" ask Krist. Singto raised his eyebrow and looked at Krist, "What do you mean by that? Of course Off and Gun merely buddies or perhaps even brothers. There's nothing between both of them." Krist just looked Singto with disbelieving face. How can Singto be all clueless. "I don't think it just only that. From what I can see that Gun likes Off and I thing Off might like Gun too" said Krist but Singto just shook his head. Showing him that Singto definitely didn't like the idea.

Krist turned around and face him. "What makes you think that they are just brothers? And what if they really have feeling for each other? Can't they be together?" Krist ask. Singto took a deep breath and replied "Nope. They can't be together. I am not gonna approve their relationship. Gun can be with whoever he wants but not Off. Why? Because I don't believe they are strong enough to remain together." "I don't think that Off are not capable enough to take care of Gun. Plus.." Without letting Krist finish his sentence, Singto cut off by saying "Baby. I know Off. We had been friends for such really long time. But I don't think that he was the right person for Gun. Let's not discuss them anymore. Okay?" And Krist just fell silent. Without saying a word, they both continue to watch television.


Uncle Mark was busy looking for file in his room. As soon as he found it, he pressed the intercom button and asked his secretary to called Tay to come to his room. After a few minutes of waiting, there's a knock on his door. Telling him to come, Tay went into the room and asked "Did you call me sir?" Without wasting the time, Uncle Mark quickly give him the file and said "His name is Lowkhun. I want you to find out about his family, where he lives right now. Anything about him. And I want it as soon as possible." Tay look at the file but there's nothing much in there. Only the picture and information about his school. And there is like almost 20 years ago.

Without giving much thought he quickly agree. "Yes sir. I will do it. Anything else?" ask Tay. "Yes, I want you to go to Bangkok Medical Centre and ask them about my medical record. I already told them that I was going to send you there. If there's any problem, just called me. Only that" said Uncle Mark. Tay just nodded his head and ask permission to leave. He goes to his room and gathers his belongings. He quickly went to Bangkok Medical Centre after ensuring that he had picked everything.

Bangkok Medical Centre is a 15-minute drive from K.R. Company.Tay went straight to the counter and asked where he should go to get uncle mark's medical records. After waiting a few minutes, the nurse told him to go straight to Doctor New's room. After recognize where his room is, he quickly goes there. He knocked the door first before he goes into the room. There two young and he could said that both of them are handsome looked at him confusedly. "Hello. I came here to get Sir Mark's Medical report. I did ask at the counter but they told me to go straight to Doctor New's room. And here I am" said Tay while looked at both of them. Well, he actually look at of them who are wearing doctor's robe because he feels like he wanted to do it.

"Ahh.. Yes.. Uncle Mark did told me about that. Come in and take a seat" New invited the unknown handsome guy to come in and sat on the sofa. "It seems like you are busy. I should probably go now" said Off and he quickly left the room. Leaving New and the patient. He think.

"Well, hello once again. My name is Doctor New. And you are?" New introduce himself and asking that person name. "Umm. Yeah my name is Tay Tawan. I am one of Sir Mark subordinate. He did ask me to come here to get his medical report" said Tay while smiling. 'Honestly, this Doctor New is adorable.' Thought Tay. New quickly get up and pick file from his table and sit back on the sofa. "I'm not gonna lie, Uncle Mark actually smart. He know if he came here, I would scold him. That's why he send you here" Said New while giving Tay the file.

"Are you close to him?" ask Tay. New just nodded and said "Yup, pretty close. He just like my second father. I thought he going to come today so I could do some test but he is one way ahead from me." Tay just chuckled. New continued "Can you please told him that he need a lot of rest? His report show's that he is too tired. Yes, he may appear healthy on the outside, but he has no idea on the inside. And please tell him that his beloved sons doesn't know about this. If he still resist, I'm going to tell them about this." "You mean Sir Prachaya and Sir Attaphan?" ask Tay. New just nodded.

"Well, I will send your message to him. I need to go now cause I have some work" Tay already get up. When he about to leave, New quickly stop him and said "Wait! Leave me your name and number. If Uncle Mark asked, I told him that I'm already give it to you," New give paper and pen to Tay. Without thinking much, Tay quickly write his full name, number and even his address. "I will make sure to deliver it straight to Sir Mark. And if he did not receive it, you can come and find me. I already wrote my address" said Tay while smiling. And leaving New who all flustered. 'I just asked his number. Not his address. Who want that' thought New. This guy is definitely something.

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