Chapter 18

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Krist takes Singto to the glowing beach after their romantic dinner. The beach glowing more beautiful at night due to bioluminescence, which emits bright vibrant blue light in the water and creates on ethereal effects. The scenery is stunning, and the sound of the waves is soothing. It could make anyone feel calm and safe, allowing them to temporarily forget about their problems. "It's nice, isn't it?" Krist asked, turning his head to see Singto, who is hugging him from behind.

Singto smile. He let go and turned Krist's body to face each other, "To answer your question, I'm not sure. Sometimes, I do think about it from time to time. Is it because you're adorable? Or are you smart enough to attract me? Or do you have a good heart? I don't know what to say. Because I've already fallen in love with you in my heart the moment I saw you. As time passes, I realise I can't live without you."

"Do you really love me that much?" "More than you know." "How much?" "If you ask me how much I love you. I won't say anything..." Singto stop in the middle and take both Krist hand. "I'll just take your hand, fill the gaps between your fingers and hold on to you until all your doubts vanish" Singto continue again. After that, he take Krist's chin and kiss him. It was such passionate kiss. Kiss that prove how much love and trust between them.

Singto break the kiss, "Promise me that whatever happens, please always stay by my side. Never doubt my love to you because you have it all" say Singto. His eyes shows how teriffied he was if he ever lose Krist. "I know you don't believe in the afterlife, but I still want you in mine. It doesn't matter what happens, all I want is for you to love and pamper me. So, in my next life, let's meet up again. Can we?" ask Krist

Yes. Singto may not believe about next life. Krist, on the other hand, believe it. And they keep continue kissing. That night, the moon, the sea witness about two young man who deeply love each other. Witness their promise to reunite in the next life.

After such passionate kiss, they spend a few more time on the sea before back to their room. They continue the heated moment they felt at the sea after entering their room. And two bodies merge once more. Make more beautiful memories for them both.


"Are you going home today?" Off ask. Off and Gun are currently cuddling while watching a movie. "Yeah. Tomorrow, Phi Singto and Phi Krist will return. Why? Do you want to keep this relationship hidden from both of them?" Gun responds. "No," Off says, shaking his head. "I'm just curious. It was nice to have you to cuddle with at night. And I have no intention of concealing our relationship from him. However, telling him after he returned was not a good idea. Because he already has too many problems at work. Particularly those issues with the Lee Empire. I believe it is best to wait until the entire situation is under control," respond Off.

Of course, it's better to tell them rather than they find out from someone else. But, he pretty sure that Singto already way too caught up with work. It's better to wait. "I thought you'd never tell him," Gun chuckled. Nobody knows if papi is scared of his brother. "Come on, the worst that can happen is he'll kill me," he laughed. Off was elbowed in the stomach by Gun. "As if I'm going to let him kill you."

Off's phone starts ringing after a while. When he saw New calling, he quickly accepted the call. "What's wrong.... Oh.. Yes, I did read your note. I've already taken my phone..... Yeah I wake up pretty late. I thinks I drink way too much.... Yeah.... Okay, see you later bud." "Who it is?" ask Gun, he could not hide his curiosity. "It's New. He ask if I already take my phone. Remember yesterday's note that you found on my front door. It was him. He said he ring the bell but no relied" respond Off.

"It's getting late," Gun says, looking at the time. "Papi, I'll go home first." "Did your driver already arrive?" Off ask. Gun nodded. He quickly gathers his belongings and exits the house. He kisses Off first before entering the car. Leaving aside who smiles like a fool.


"If there aren't any more, I think you should leave," Uncle Mark says. He quickly cleaned all of the papers and filed them. They were supposed to meet outside this afternoon, but something came up, so they are here. Tay quickly exits the house after grabbing all of his belongings. Tay meets Gun, Singto's younger brother, on the way out. He smiles at Gun and quickly exits.

"Who is he? And why is he in such a hurry?" Gun asks Uncle Mark, who is currently organising his documents. He is taken aback when he sees Gun. " Ah... N-no one. Just one of my sub-subordinate. Yeah. Subordinate. Anyway, why are you here?" Uncle Mark asks, stuttering slightly. Gun's brow furrowed in suspicion. "I live here, I hope that clarifies why I'm here." he replied. Uncle Mark laughed a little and sat down, saying, "Yeah. I'm aware you live here. I mean, you spent the night at Off's house yesterday. And I assumed you wouldn't be returning home today." Uncle Mark try to make conceal his voice from stutter. And make it sound like nothing happen.

However, Gun was unconvinced. He is aware that something is wrong. When he about to ask another question, Uncle Mark open his mouth first, "I think you better rest first. Tomorrow you have class right? I'm going to my room first. Bye little guy." "What is he up to? Does it involve both of us?" Gun muttering to himself. This is not the first time he notice that Uncle Mark being suspicious. He knows that he is still kids and does not know anything about the world, but from the way Uncle Mark's acting or the secretive phi Singto, he definitely know something's not right.

'If anything happens, phi Singto has already said it. But he remained silent. It's probably not a big deal' he thought and decide to brush it off.

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