Chapter 40

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"I may be stupid, but I'm not stupid enough to take away my own brother's happiness. I'm not going to lie, I was initially opposed to the idea of both of you dating each other. However, as time passed, I noticed that you were happier than before. The way you look at Off, the way Off treats you, and the way you treat each other already demonstrated to me that your love is genuine. If he's the only one who can make you happy, I'll let you be with him," Singto explained. Without Singto's knowledge, tears flowed from one to another. "I promised you that I would take care of him, love him, and protect him for the rest of my life," Off said, making promise to Singto that he will take a good care of Singto's brother.

Singto's gaze never leaves Gun, "You were correct. I'm self-centered, I only consider myself and not others. I have earned the right to be alone. But you should know that I'm also trying. I'm making an trying to be a better person. However, I'm probably not trying hard enough.," Singto said as he turned his head to Off. "Take good care of him. I have faith in you. Don't let me down," Singto said as he exited the room. "I don't understand. Did something happen to him?" New inquires after a brief silence in which he listens to them. "I forgot to tell papi that this is not the right time to tell him about our relationship," Gun bowed his head and played with his finger before answering New's question.

"Why?" Off inquires. "A few days ago, phi Krist and phi Singto got into a huge fight for no apparent reason. As a result, phi Krist left the house" Gun response Off question. New and Off both exclaimed. "Gun... Why don't you tell us about this?" New wonders. Off try to calm things down, "Relax New. It's not his fault, in my opinion. He claims to have forgotten. It's no surprise he can't control his emotions." Off with both hands on Gun. "I don't think it's him who doesn't get you, Gun. You were the one who couldn't understand him. I think it's best to leave him alone for a while," New advised. Gun only remains silent. Half of him is still angry at Singto for not understanding Gun, but the other half regrets everything he said to Singto.


Singto brings both of his legs to his car after leaving Off's room. Singto is tired for the first time. He notices a letter on the passenger seat next to him. A letter that he intended to give to Krist but did not have time to drop by Krist Café. He got in his car and drove to Krist's café. Singto enters the café and looks around for Krist, but he is nowhere to be found. He walks right up to the counter and approaches the worker. "Hi, um, is Krist here?" Singto inquires of the worker. "Sir Prachaya, yes, boss in the kitchen," he replied with a smile. "Should I call him saying that you were here?"

Singto pause for a moment to reflect. "No need," Singto responds. "Can you please pass this on to him?" Singto asks, holding the letter in his hand. He came here hoping to see Krist even from a distance, but he was terrified. What if Krist refused to meet him? 'If seeing you might make you cry again, I'd rather not see you at all,' Singto reasoned. The worker nodded as he took the letter from Singto's grasp. Singto quickly excused himself after that.

Krist washed his hands and took out his apron after finishing his work for the day. Despite making numerous errors, he was able to complete the entire order. His worker approached him while he was drying his hand. "Boss, Sir Prachaya just arrived. As he handed the letter to Krist," he said, "He told me to give you this." Krist's face lit up when he heard the name Singto. "Is he still here?" he inquired. He was about to leave the kitchen when his worker stopped him, saying, "No, boss. He's already gone." "It's all right. Thank you," Krist said to his worker as he exited the kitchen. He turned around to see if Singto had changed his mind and was still here, but he had not. He turned to go upstairs, his face flushed with disappointment.

Krist enters his room, sits on his bed, and examines the letter given to him by Singto. Krist was hesitant to open the letter, but he did so anyway. He read the letter slowly.


I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry for every pain that I caused. Every tears that you shaded. I'm truly sorry. And right now, I'm sorry for being such a coward. I'm truly stupid. Stupid for hurting you.

Do you remember? The first time we met each other? It still vivid in my mind how you look at that time. You appear to be an angel who has just fallen from heaven. And from that time, you already got me head over you. I know some time I can be jerk while trying to court you but you accept my confession. I feel like I can die in peace. Extravagant, right? But that's really how I feel.

Do you know how much my life has changed since meeting you? You keep transforming me into a better version of myself. Until you made me incapable of continuing to live without you by my side. And now you've left. I felt like I was going to die. I feel like I don't deserve to live anymore.


I wish I can meet you. Even only for 5 minutes. It's already enough. Because I don't know if there will be next time. But I know that you didn't want to see me. And I don't want to force you to meet me. But shouldn't you know, even I myself doesn't even know what happen. But, one thing I'm pretty sure, that my dad was not the reason why your dad died. There must be something that we were unaware of. The entire truth.

I'm not sure what will happen between us after this, but I hope nothing going to happen between you and Gun. I can't be his best brother but I know that you can. Because he really love and adore you. Please, leave Gun out of our problem. He had nothing to do with our problem.

Finally, this might be our last interaction between each other. I wish I can hug you for the last time. I wish I can tell you how much I love you but I can't. Please forgive me. And I know this is hard but please forget about me. Keep moving on. Find someone who love you better that me. Who will not lie to you like I do.

Baby, sorry but Krist, thank you and I will always love you.

From Singto.

Krist sobbed as he read the letter. "I'm sorry if I hurt you. I'm not sure what I was supposed to do right now," Krist admitted. He was caught in the middle. The right side was about his father's death, while the left side was about his feelings for Singto. Which way is he supposed to go? To the left where nothing is right to to the right where nothing is left.

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