Chapter 23

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"Nong Gun, Nong Krist and Sir Singto will come out late. I thinks it's better for you to eat first or else you might be late" said one of the maid. Gun raised his eyebrows, "They don't go to work today? Did you send their breakfast into their room?" The maid nodded, "I did send breakfast to their room. Sir Singto asked me to prepare it since they will have breakfast inside their room. And about work, I'm not sure." "Ouh... Then it's okay. I'll just eat and go to class" said Gun. He quickly eat because he's got no time since papi text him saying he's alredy out of the house.

After finishing breakfast, He quickly take his bag and about to go out wait for papi outside but being stopped by Uncle Mark, "Today, I will send you to university. Text Off no need to send you" said Uncle Mark. "This is an order," Uncle Mark says again as Gun begins to whine. Gun quickly texts papi and enters Uncle Mark's vehicle. The ride was silent because none of them spoke. "Do you think you need to see someone right now?" Uncle Mark inquires. Gun turn his head to look at Uncle Mark, "You want to say that I should stop bothering phi Off. He has live and so do I. Am I right? If you want to say it then you better forget it Uncle. Because phi Singto already lecture me before."

"Did he?" Uncle Mark inquires. Gun nodded. "I'm not sure, but both of you always the same. Everything, from how you think to how you speak. If phi Singto isn't my brother, I'm pretty sure he's your son," Gun said. "You are not the only one who says that," Uncle Mark laughs. "When I first met Krist, he said that if Singto didn't introduce me as his uncle, he'd think I was Singto's father." Gun is giggling. That is correct. When he is fighting with his brother, he will try to convince phi Singto that they are not related and that phi Singto is Uncle Mark's son. Singto, on the other hand, would not believe it.

"Perhaps both of you should do a DNA test," Gun joked. Uncle Mark piches Gun's thigh. "I'm not sure what your current relationship with Off is. But believe me, Singto will not accept it so easily. Whatever happens, I want you to face it together. Believe me, buddy, I know what's on Singto's mind," Uncle Mark advises Gun. He knows Singto will reject it unless he tests Off. He also understands how Singto thinks. "OK," Gun said, nodding. "I'll keep that in mind."


Krist wake up and stretch his body. He looked around but didn't see Singto. He got up, thinking Singto was in the bathroom, but stopped when Singto entered the room with a tray full of food. Krist raised his eyebrow and asked, "Is it our anniversary today?" Singto placed the tray on the nightstand and turned to face Krist, saying, "Good morning, baby, and today was not our anniversary." He then kisses Krist. "Go brush your teeth. I did bring breakfast here," Singto said, and Krist quickly did as Singto instructed.

"Why are we suddenly having breakfast in bed?" Krist wonders as he eats. "Nothing actually. I just want to spoil you today" Singto says as he sips his coffee. "When are we going out today?" Krist ask. "I think around 10 a.m." Singto thinks before responding. "Let's not leave too soon. "There are no cats store would open fairly early. Later, I'll call Gun and Uncle Mark, asking if they wants to have dinner with us outside." "Hm... "Whatever you say," Krist said, returning to his meal.

Singto and Krist leave after finishing breakfast, showering, and getting dressed. They will first go to a cat store to purchase all of his cat's necessities. When they arrive at the store, they quickly walk around the store holding hands. Krist's phone rang unexpectedly while they were busy picking up stuff they need to buy. "You go first, Phi. I need to pick up the phone," Krist said, and Singto nodded, leaving Krist to take the call.

Krist picked up despite the fact that the number was unknown. "Hello?" Krist inquires. "Hi.. Do you remember me?" "You must have a lot of money, don't you? I blocked your number yesterday, and you called me today from a different number. What exactly do you want?" "There's no reason to be so upset. I'm just warning you. There's no need to put too much faith in your boyfriend. Who knows if he's ever tried to keep something from you?" "And why would I trust someone I'd never met?" "Whatever you want to say is up to you. Don't put too much faith in him, in my opinion. Who knows, maybe it wasn't me who hurt you in the end, but him?" "No need to give me advice. I don't need it. And thanks but I trust him way more than you or anyone else"

Krist then quickly terminated the call and blocked that number once more. "Who was that?" Singto asked, surprised Krist, who was in his own world. "Ah... No one. It's just my employee. Something happened at the café, but everything is under control, so everything is fine," Krist said, trying not to stutter. "Are you sure? We can go to your café first. After that, we will continue shopping" Singto asks, concerned. Krist shakes his head, as if to reassure Singto that everything is fine. Following that, they both went shopping. Krist tries to forget what that man said, but he can't forget about it. 'There's no way he'd hide anything from me,' he couldn't help but think. 'Or does he?'

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