Chapter 8

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In the evening, Singto finishes his work and goes straight to Krist shop. Ever since their last conversation about Off and Gun, Krist has been giving him could shoulder. That's why he decided to invite Krist to dinner. When he arrives at Krist's shop, he notices that Krist is preoccupied with his laptop. He placed the flower bouquet in front of Krist while standing behind him, without saying anything. Krist was startled when he see the bouquet.

Krist smiles as he accepts the bouquet. "What kind of flower is this?" asks Krist, not looking at the person behind him. "They're white orchids," Singto said, hugging Krist from behind. "They are the flower most closely associated with sincerity or regretful. Not only that, but they also look spectacular and with the bonus of white, being a symbol of peace and agreement. With this, it shows that I'm sorry. Can you please forgive me?" Krist is just smiling and looking at the flower while being hugged by Singto. "You always know how to make me forgive you, don't you?" Krist inquires.

Singto held Krist's chin and tilted his head until their gazes met. "I know you were upset after our last conversation. So giving you those flowers represents my sincere request for forgiveness. And if you want, I'd like to take you on a special dinner date tonight". Krist is simply smiling at Singto. "How about Gun?" ask Krist. "Oh, about that, Uncle Mark called and said he was taking Gun out today. He wants to buy him some clothes and probably give him some advice," Singto responds.

Krist simply nodded and told Singto to wait for him while he packed his belongings. After remind his worker to clean up the shop before leaving, he and Singto goes out to their dinner date. From the shop until they goes into the car. And while they were heading there until they arrive, both Singto and Krist was talking. Mostly it's Krist who were talking and Singto just listen. He talked about some of his rude customer, how he came up with a new recipe and how he made Singto promise to try it first. Literally anything that happen today in Krist life. He tell Singto everything, and Singto didn't even try to make Krist stop talking. 'Called me crazy but I can hear anything that you wanna talk about. I could do it every day' thought Singto.

After arriving at the restaurant, they goes inside. Singto has already scheduled an appointment. They are led to their table by the waitress. Krist was taken aback by the table decorations. With all of the candles, music in the background, and everything. "Sir, here's your drink. I will bring your food shortly," the waitress said as she went inside after giving them their drink. "Phi.. you made me fall in love over and over again.." said Krist while looking at Singto. Singto is simply laughing. "I could do this every day just to make you fall in love with me. So there is only me in your heart and no one else." "Why would I have someone else when I have you? My perfect boyfriend. Nah... I won't even trade you with nothing else".

Singto look at Krist while composed his word "Actually, about Gun and Off... I know you were concerned about them as if they are part of your family. As much as you care, I also care especially Gun. He is my brother. Honestly when I think of them, I feel..." Singto stopped. He doesn't even know how to say it. Krist hold Singto hand "As much as I care, you care about him more than I do," Krist says, taking Singto's hand in his. "That is your opinion if you believe they are not compatible. That is something I cannot change. And I know you have valid reasons for opposing the idea. After much deliberation, I believe it is better to simply focus on ourselves. And, of course, I will continue to discuss them, but only in my opinion. You'd probably know better because you've known them longer than I have. Let's not bring them up, phi. Tonight, just concentrate on us."

Singto remained silent after hearing Krist's words. Krist prefers to act like a child most of the time, but when he is serious, he can be very mature in many ways. With that, they decide to end the discussion about Gun and Off. While enjoying their dinner date, they talked about them and their future.


While shopping at Chanel, Gun ask Uncle Mark, "Uncle.. why you never married again?" Uncle Mark was taken aback by Gun's question, but he still answered him. "Because I already promised my wife that I would only love her. Only she. And I doubt I'll ever find someone as good as her." Gun simply nodded. "I apologise if this is a rude question, but you've never had children?" ask Gun. Uncle Mark is just staring at Gun. "I do," he replied, fighting back tears in front of him."But he's no longer here."

As a result, Gun appears to be guilty. "I'm truly sorry, uncle. I had no intention of hurting you. It's all right, uncle. Do you still have me and phi Singto? You've even got a son-in-law." "Even though neither of you were my son. But I adore both of you as if you were my own son. You were correct. I've got you guys right now. Even better where I have a son-in-law." Uncle Mark was quickly hugged by Gun. He didn't mean to offend him by asking such an absurd question. Uncle Mark doesn't want Gun to feel guilty by asking such question, he takes Gun to continue shopping. 

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