Chapter 32

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Krist received a call informing him that someone left something for him. He quickly dressed up, remembering to wear the watch Gun had given him this morning, and left the house.

Flashback this morning,

Krist was about to get out of bed to take a shower when he heard a knock on his door. Krist quickly put on trousers and a shirt after sleeping naked last night due their activities with Singto. He then opened the door to find Gun standing in front of it. "What's wrong?" Krist asks, strangely staring at Gun as Gun covers his mouth with his hand. Gun slowly pointing his hand to his neck. Understanding what Gun means, Krist tries to adjust his shirt to conceal his love bite while inviting Gun inside.

"Does it really hurt?" Gun asks, looking innocently at Krist. Krist was debating whether or not to ruin this kid's innocent thinking. "It hurts the first time, but it doesn't hurt as much after that, and it's a little addictive," Krist explains carefully, not wanting this kid to get it wrong. "How exactly does it work, Phi?" Gun has inquired once more. "I think you're still young to learn about that," Krist said, placing his hand on Gun's shoulder. "Wait until you are an adult and can comprehend everything. By the way, what do you need?" Krist asked as to why Gun was here.

Gun pulls something from his bag and hands Krist a small box. "You're gift. Happy anniversary to you both. I've already given phi Singto his gift. And this is yours," Gun exclaimed happily. Krist, open the box with a smile. It was a watch with his name on it. "Thank you very much, nong Gun. Phi is very fond of it." " I need to go now. I have class. And I'm not gonna bother you. I love you phi Krist," Gun said as he walked away. "I love you too, nong Gun," Krist responds. He keeps looking at the watch, which is lovely. Krist goes to pick up his phone when it suddenly rings. It was from one of his employees. "Yeah, what's the matter...? Okay, I'll be there. Please wait for me." Krist hang up and quickly take a shower and dressed up.

He arrived at his café, sat at one of the open tables, and summoned his employee. "Boss," his employee addressed him politely. "Where is it?" inquires Krist. He received a call informing him that the same person who delivered the photo the day before had returned to deliver something. His employee hands Krist a much larger envelope than the one he received the day before. "I'm going to my room now," Krist said, get up and walking to his room. He used to live here before moving into Singto House. This building had two floors. The café was on the first floor, and there were two rooms on the second. His grandfather converted both rooms into a mini library and a bedroom, so that when he is tired, he can rest here before going to home.

Krist enters his mini-library, sits in the chair, and opens the envelope. There are a few document paper, a letter, and a thumb drive inside the envelope. He read the letter first before opening his computer, which was on his table, and connecting his thumb drive to it. There is only one file inside, and it contains a video. Krist put that video on play as how he being instructed by that letter. After a few minutes of watching the video, he was startled by the sound of two gunshots. He covered his mouth with his trembling hand. His tear falls slowly. He examines the document, attempting to comprehend what is going on.

Flashback 17 years ago,

"You know, I heard he died because someone murdered him." "I heard about it as well. There was another person who died with him, but this funeral was only for one. I'm curious where the other one is. Not to mention that he died as a result of a heart attack. They are masters of concealment." Krist simply stared at the group of people who were gossiping. He didn't understand what they were saying, but he's not stupid enough to think they were talking about his father.

Krist dashed over to his grandfather, who was currently conversing with someone. When his grandfather notices him, he excuses himself and go to Krist. "What's wrong, little kit?" his grandfather ask as he picks up Krist. "I heard they were discussing about dad. Is it true that dad was murdered?" Krist inquires innocently. He didn't seem to understand what they were saying for an 8-year-old boy. "I'm not sure, little one. Everyone says that, but the doctor, and even the death certificate, state that Dad died of a heart attack. Despite the fact that your father did not have a heart condition. But it's okay, because little Kit still has Grandpa, right? I'll look after you," grandfather promised to Krist. Krist and his grandfather both return home after the funeral. All of those questions remain unanswered.

Krist is in tears as he recalls what happened at his father's funeral. "You deceive me. You claimed you didn't know anything, but your father is the reason my father died. Why did you do this to me?" Krist was conversing with himself. He gathered everything and quickly drove home after calming down a little. He must determine whether or not this is correct. Despite the fact that he was terrified of discovering the truth. Worried about what if it's true? Will he be able to handle it well?

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