Chapter 47 : The Last Chapter

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The earth was soaked by torrential rain. The same goes to human heart. Soaking wet with tears when losing someone that we dearly loved. That's how they feel right now. Who could predict, yesterday, you were having a funeral for someone you cared and today another funeral for someone you loved. The feeling losing one by one as you feel that you deserved to be alone. It might as well as the universe is punishing you. That's where, we're thinking that if we could turn back the time. But, every now and then, we forget that there is nothing we can do except accept what has been written for us.

Gun cried as hard as he could throughout the funeral and did not stop. He looked at his brother, who was lying motionless in the coffin. 'I didn't realise how much I hurt you until you were gone,' Gun reflected. "I'm sorry for everything," Krist says as he approaches the coffin. "Every pain I've caused. I left without giving you an opportunity to explain yourself. I'm sorry," Krist said, trying not to cry any further. He took out the ring, opened it, and removed one ring. He straps it around Singto's fourth finger. He is wearing another one. "I promise you that I will always love you. Come find me in my next life, and I'll say yes again. Let's get together again and be happy," Krist says again. New standing next to Krist, he places his hand on Krist shoulder and encourages him to stay strong.

Toy and Tay could be seen standing nearly outside from a distance. Tay extended his hand and let the rain fall on it. "It's pouring outside. It's as if the rest of the world is crying with us because we've lost someone we care about," Tay said. Toy nodded and looked at the rain. After the rain slowly stoped, they slowly walked home. Krist was the last to leave and kept looking back. It broke his heart to leave Singto, but he had no choice. They are no longer in the same world. As they walked to their car, Gun came to a halt and turned around. "What happened to that bastard?" Gun inquires. "Right now, he is receiving treatment as a result of the shot. Following that, we filed the charge and let the judges decide what kind of punishment he would receive. I'm pretty sure he's going to jail, and I'll make sure he rotted in there. All of his property has also been confiscated," Toy explained.

They simply nodded. "Even though it's not what I expected, he still deserves it," New said. "Do you need me to send you home?" Toy asks Krist. "No need," Krist says, shaking his head. "I can drive," Krist stated. Then, one by one, they leave. Leave New and Tay alone. "Do you want to go eat first?" New inquires. Tay nodded as he looked at New. They head to the closest restaurant. "Singto loved Krist until he's willing to let him go rather than continue being hurt if they stay together," New said slowly after they ordered their food. "Krist loved Singto and decided to love him for the rest of his life, even though Singto is no longer alive. I wonder if that's the definition of true love."

"Everyone has their own interpretation. As for me, my definition of true love is finding someone you truly love and being happy," Tay responds while looking at New. "Would you believe me if I said my own definition of true love is you?" New inquires. He looked at Tay, searching for an answer. "Was there still time for me to fix everything?" New inquires once more. Without breaking his gaze.


Krist walks into the house with a heavy smile. "I'm back," Krist declared. "Everything is still the same," he realises as he looks around the house. "But the only difference is that you are not here," Krist said again. Gun wanted to come back and live with him, but Krist refused. Both Gun and Off require their own space. Krist can live here alone as long as he feels close to Singto. This house may be too large for him to live alone in, but that's how he prefers it. Krist sighs before beginning to clean the house. He thoroughly cleaned every inch of the house. Remove any spoiled food from the refrigerator. Krist goes to his room after he finishes cleaning. He lay down in his bed, took a picture from his nightstand, and caressed a picture of Singto. "It hasn't even been a day, but I'm already missing you. I'm wondering how I'm going to survive for the rest of my life," Krist said.

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