Chapter 26

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"Uncle... What exactly are you doing here? Phi Krist already made lunch, so let's eat together," said Gun. He look at Uncle Mark suspiciously. Why does he need to make a phone call in the middle of nowhere? "Don't worry, Gun. Uncle has to go to work. Let uncle know if anything happens to Singto," Uncle Mark responds, smiling. He then excused himself and went to his office. Gun just look at him.

"Is he not going to eat with us?" Off inquires. He wanted to return to the office after dropping off Singto's medicine, but was stopped by Krist. He invited Off to eat lunch here as a thank you for bringing Singto's medicine. Gun shakes his head and walks over to the dining table. Off simply followed him. "What's the matter? Did Uncle Mark say anything?" Off inquires. "I've noticed Uncle Mark acting strangely, but it's probably just my perception. There is no need to be concerned. You should eat first, then go to the office," Gun advised. Off nodded, not wanting Gun's mood to deteriorate further, and simply followed what Gun said.


"I called the hospital as you instructed, but they said they didn't have sir Prachaya's medical records," the nurse explained. New cocked his brow. "Haa... How come?" New asks, perplexed. "Well, they said that when they moved to a new location, they had some sort of problem transporting all of the medical records. So that's why a few medical records went missing, and one of them was Sir Prachaya's," explains the nurse again. New is unable to comprehend what his nurse is saying.

"I asked if they had saved it digitally, but they didn't. The reason for this is that back then, they only used the method of writing on paper and putting it in a folder. I'm sorry," nurse said once more. New sighed deeply. "It's fine. You can leave now," New said, dismissing his nurse. " What kind of year that they live!" New can't stop himself from yelling. "What the hell did you do to make everyone target you, Singto Prachaya?" New muttering to himself. He couldn't stop himself from wondering.

He took out his phone and dialed, "Hello... Something isn't right... Okay. I'll talk to you later, Off... Okay." He puts his phone back in his pocket and tries to relax. After ensuring his calm, he puts on his white coat, grabs his statoscope, and exits his room.


Singto wake up, still feeling dizzy, look around and notice Krist sleeping soundly next to him. He looks at the time and notices that it is nearly evening. "When did you wake up, Phi? Are you okay?" ask Krist, quickly get up notice that Singto was already fully awake. "What happened?" inquires Singto. As far as he recalls, he was still wearing his pajamas this morning, but not now. His clothes were already being changed. "Because you were in a lot of pain, Gun called phi New to check on you. You slept until now after he gave you the shot," Krist explains.

"I'm fine, but it still hurt," Singto said, leaning back against the headboard. "I'm sorry for causing you worried," Singto said as he stroked Krist's cheek. "Are you hungry?" Krist inquires. Singto gave a nod. Krist excused himself to go downstairs and prepare Singto's food, as well as bring his medicine for him to eat. Krist returned a few minutes later with a tray of food and medicine. He placed it on the nightstand and took the bowl of porridge, taking a spoonful of porridge and blowing first before feeding Singto.

Singto simply accepts whatever Krist feeds him without question. Krist told Singto to take medicine after he finished eating. Krist then takes the tray downstairs and returns to lie next to Singto. "Can I ask you a question, phi?" Krist asks cautiously. Singto simply raised his brows. "Uncle said you used to be hospitalised as a child. He said this because you were having difficulty accepting your father's death. Was it really that hard back then?" Krist asking again.

"Yes, I was really having a hard time," Singto replied quietly. "I continue to resist until I can't remember anything. The memory gradually returns to me as I mature. But I don't believe what happened today has anything to do with that case. It's probably because a lot of things are crumbling in my head right now," responds Singto. "However, you still need to go to the hospital. That was stated by Phi New. So let the doctor decide whether it's serious or not," Krist said.

When Singto hears that, he starts whining. Going to the hospital was the last thing on his mind. He looks at Krist with puppy eyes, but it appears that Krist is unaffected. "This is for your benefit. We won't know what happened or how it happened unless we consult with an expert. Yes, going to the hospital was the last thing on your mind. But losing you was the last thing I wanted to happen to me. Can we just go?" Krist tries to persuade Singto to go to the hospital.

Singto turns to face Krist, who is still trying. "What if... it's the same as before?" Singto wonders. He swallowed his own words. He was already having difficulties at the time, and he didn't want to spend any more time in the hospital. "No, it is not. You'll be just fine. And I'll be right there with you the whole time," Krist said. Krist take Singto's hand in his and hold it. "We're going. Together." Singto smiled and nodded slightly. 'Together... 'It seems easy to say but difficult to do,' Singto thought as he looked at Krist, who was smiling.

He wishes he could inform Krist. Telling him that with each passing day, he feels like he's counting down the days until he loses Krist. Will he be able to function in the absence of Krist? Or he might die the moment Krist leave. That question had been bothering him.

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