Chapter 9

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After finishing their dinner, Singto excuse himself to go washroom. He told Krist to go first and wait in the car. While walking, Krist accidently bump into someone and all of his drink in the bottle accidently splashed into his clothes. "Oh my goodness... I'm so sorry. Wait let me help you" that person says, but it makes Krist uncomfortable because he's standing so close. "It's okay. Small matter. It's kind my fault for not seeing you here" Krist said, taking a few steps back. "How am I supposed to let it go? Because of me, your clothes are ruined. At the very least, let me pay for the laundry" that person inquires. Krist just shook his head and said "There's no need to do that. It's partly my fault because I didn't notice you" But the person still insists on paying the laundry fee.

Singto arrived before Krist could say anything. "What happened, baby?" Singto asks, wrapping his hand around Krist's waist. Krist smiles, "I accidentally bumped into him, and his drink got all over my clothes." That man simply smirked bitterly. "It's fine, dude. Small matter." Krist gave a nod. "There is no need for me to pay my laundry fee. And once again, I apologise." That man simply nodded. "Let's go, hubby," Krist said. Taking Singto's hand, he quickly leaves.

'Interesting' thought that man.

"Why are you dragging me out? I didn't even get to say anything. And then there's that guy. Who the hell is that guy staring at you like that?" it seems like Singto was pretty mad about that situation. "I just don't want you to do anything stupid" said Krist. Singto take a deep breath before start talking again "If he look at you like he want to eat you, of course I will punch him. But I'm not that stupid to do at such public place. Anyways, forget about him. Are you okay?" "I'm fine. Luckily you arrive at right time. Honesty I'm not comfortable either. I keep insist that it's fine but he still touching me" said Krist while leaned against the car door.

A man bump into Krist just now at Star Hotel. Find out about him. And give me the report tomorrow.

~ Singto

Before entering the car, Sinto sends an Off message. They then proceed to their home.


After knocking on the door several times, Tay heard the words "come in", he went straight into the room. He quickly opens his tab and say "There's not much information that I could find. You, him, and late Sir Phunsawat were once best friends. After late Prenish married late Sir Phunsawat, he became quite enraged and ended your friendship. He moved to France, but returned to Thailand a week before late Prenish died. He came with his girlfriend, who is 5 months pregnant. His girlfriend died on the way to the hospital. According to one source, both mom and son died, but there is no valid evidence that his son died. And he died 15 years ago."

Uncle Mark was surprised "He died?" Tay gave a nod. "Yeah, he had heart attack and died while on their way to hospital" respond Tay. "Dig more into it. And don't miss any single information." Uncle Mark gave him instruction. Tay nodded and excuse himself. Tay sat at his desk, perplexed, and placed the documents on the desk. 'Something's not right. Why would he wants to investigate everything about him? They clearly used to be friends' thought Tay. He doesn't feel like going to work after staring at the documents with blank eyes for a few minutes. Tay takes his car key and drives away.


"Good morning, everyone in this house," Gun shouted. He quickly took a seat at the dining table. "Do you have class this morning, baby?" Uncle Mark inquires. Gun simply nodded. "If you want, I can drop you first," Singto suggests, but Gun declines. "It's fine. Phi Off called and said he'd drop me off". Singto was perplexed after hearing what Gun had said. 'If it's hurt you so much, why do you keep doing it?' thought Singto. He couldn't understand Gun for a moment. "That's great. Fighting will get you nowhere, right?" Uncle Mark inquires. Only Gun, Krist, and Uncle Mark talked the entire breakfast. Singto keep quiet. He had no idea what Gun or Off were doing. He had no idea what kind of relationship they had.

"From breakfast until now, why are you quiet? Are you not feeling well?" ask Krist. He notice that Singto didn't even talk. Singto shook his head and said "No. Nothing. Just thinking some work". He smiled. He didn't want Krist to worry about him. After drop Krist at his shop, he goes straight to his office. Waiting for Off. 

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