Chapter 28

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"Was it really necessary for you to work today?" Are you sure you're fine?" Krist asking. Yesterday, after finishing their doctor's appointment, they went out to lunch with their friends before returning home. Krist forbade Singto from leaving and told him to rest. "Baby, I can assure you that I'm fine," Singto assures Krist. Gun is also at the table, enjoying his breakfast and the small drama unfolding in front of him. "I don't care if someone else gets sick. However, it is you. And I'm concerned," Krist said. Still attempting to keep Singto from going to work today.

"How come no one cared when I was sick?" After a long silence, Gun asks, "I only get to spend one day at home, and the next day I still have to go to school?" Krist and Singto both look at him. "Because you have to go to school," Krist responds quickly. Gun just look at Krist in disbelief. Krist turned to face Singto and said, "If anything happens, please call me." "But I had a legitimate reason not to go to school back then," Gun still trying to defended himself.

"You were faking sick. That's not a valid reason," Singto told Gun. He took Krist's hand in his and said, "Yes, if anything happens, I'll call you right away. There is no need to be concerned. I'm perfectly fine," Singto stated. Gun looks at both of his brothers and murmurs to himself, "I think it's better for me to keep eating." He ignores those two fucking lovebirds and continues to eat as if he were alone.


Singto has returned to the office after a long absence. He settles what needs to be settled and goes out to meet Toy, his private investigator, after hearing his schedule for the rest of the day. He goes out to nearest café and wait for him. Toy arrived after nearly 30 minutes of waiting. He sat in the chair in front of Singto and ordered a drink before starting to talk.

"This is everything about Tay Tawan that you asked me," Toy said, handing over a file. "I didn't notice anything unusual. He worked with your uncle. And right now, I think he's interested in the director of Bangkok Medical Centre because of the amount of time they've spent together," Toy explained while Singto examined the file that Toy had given him. "Is there anything else?" Singto inquires. He placed the file on the table and turned to face Toy.

"First and foremost, you may be aware that your father, uncle, and Lowkhun were all friends. Lowkhun always kept his feelings for your mother hidden, but she refused to accept Lowkhun's feelings. That's because he was a jerk. Your uncle had already married and was expecting a son at the time. He lost his son due to an unfortunate event. Around the same time, your father married your mother. After that, your uncle will leave Thailand. As you may know, Lowkhun was furious and severed all ties with him. I'm not sure what business he's in, but I'm certain it's illegal. So, the police had already targeted him at the time, and he had fled with his secretary.

Lowkhun eventually returned to Thailand, about a week before your mother died. I'm still investigating that case, whether or not it has anything to do with him. After that, he moved to Thailand with the woman who had already become his wife, and she was pregnant at the time. However, his wife died on the way to the hospital. I'm not sure when your father died, but I believe it was about two years after your mother died. One strange thing about both of your parents' deaths is that someone covered their case pretty well, making it difficult to dig into it. But don't be concerned, sir. I'm already investigating this. I'm just asking a liitle more time" explain Toy.

"It's okay," Singto said, nodding. "Take your time, but not too much time. After that?" Toy took a deep breath before proceeding. "After a few years, your uncle's wife died from the trauma of losing his son. And I'm not sure when he returned, but he was already present at your father's funeral. And as for Lowkhun, I believe he died due to heart attack around two years after your father died. Oh, and one more thing, I believe he had a son." "Lowkhun had a son?" Singto inquired. "Didn't you tell me his son died?"

Toy sipped his drink before continuing, "About that, I'm still not sure. I only recently discovered this. He left all of his property to someone after his death. He appears to be Lowkhun's subordinate. After a while, his subordinate gave all of his property to" Toy came to a halt for a moment. "Lee Thanat, Lee Empire's CEO" he wished as he leaned forward.

Singto was completely shook. "Wait a second. Isn't the Lee Empire already built? I believe it was built before I was born. How did this get connected?" Speak with Singto. "That's what I'm talking about, sir. The whole thing was strange. Why did Lowkhun give Lee Thanat all of his property? And, while you are correct that Lee Empire is a well-established company, I believe this is part of Lowkhun's agenda. He did a lot of illegal things before he died. So, until Lee Thanat inherited all of Lowkhun's property and established Lee Empire, Lee Empire was most likely just a paper company. He may also twist all of the information about that company," Toy added once more.

"OK, I want you to look into this case further," Singto sighed. "I'm not sure, but everything seems to be connected to me. Then how about Krist?" Singto inquires. "Nothing," Toy shakes his head. "You met for the first time during his freshman year. I didn't notice anything unusual about him. Do you still want me to look into him?" Toy inquires. Singto gave a nod. He was concerned that Krist had something to do with this. Following that, Toy excused himself and left Singto alone to process everything.

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