Chapter 46

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They are all staring at the big screen. "According to the coordinates here, the distance is about 20 minutes from here. What are you going to do, sir?" inquires the man once more. "How about I gather my men and go there? We obviously can't call the cops because Singto arrived alone, and we're concerned about his safety. And I'll ask them to bring a gun with them," Off suggests. Tay agreed with Off and nodded. "I want to go, too," Krist said after a long silence. "Me, too," Gun said. Off was hesitant to let them both go. "Just bring them," New said. "They can stay behind. And I will go too. We need at the very least the certificate doctor if anyone injured."

Tay let out a sigh and nodded. "You all stay here and keep an eye on things. Get the cctv in that area and notify me if anything happens. Off you go, gather your men, get them ready, and meet us there. I'll send the coordinates a little far away from that warehouse so they don't know we're there," Tay explained. Off nodded and dashed out the door to make a phone call. After preparing everything, the five of them drive to the old warehouse to await their backup. After arriving there, both Tay and Off quickly briefing them and they moved as they understand of their position.

"You know how to handle a gun, right?" Off asks, handing Tay a gun. Tay nodded and said, "This gun, I know. But that Gun, I don't" while pointing at Gun beside Off. Off laugh hearing Tay answer. 'This man really know how to joke' Off wonder. They quickly take their place. Tay and Off both approach the door and open it slightly to see what's inside. Off's men are the first to enter. The five of them go inside after ensuring that everything is under control. They're hiding behind the sack pile. They kept looking around for Singto, until Gun pointed to the second floor. Singto and Lee Thanat were both pointing their guns at each other.

Flashback a one hours ago,

Singto arrives at the old warehouse by himself. Lee Thanat had sent him a message to meet him. That's why he's here. He must put an end to everything so that no one else suffers. He drove straight here after spending the night outside Krist's café. He goes inside, only to find Lee Thanat smoking in the chair. He approached him and said, "I've come alone, as you requested. What do you want right now?" "You were someone who always kept their words. And that's impressive," Lee Thanat said, smiling. Singto rolled his eyes. "I did what you asked. Now, let's finish everything and leave them alone," Singto stated emphatically.

Lee Thanat abruptly stood up and turned to his side, saying, "Beat him." He then goes upstairs. Singto is left with two bulky men. They quickly began fighting Singto. One of them grabs Singto from behind while the other tries to punch him. Singto raises his leg quickly and kicks that man's private area. And he swings his head back to the other man behind him. The man catches his legs as he prepares to run upstairs. Singto turned and punched him in the face, but he avoided it. Singto kicks him in the face with his other free legs. When he is free, he takes a long stick near him and swings it to the other one. They fight go on until they couldn't stand anymore.

Singto limps as he goes upstairs, where he notices another five men behind Lee Thanat. He fights the remaining five of them with all of his remaining energy. Singto manages to stand and fight back after being severely beaten. Singto discovered a gun near him after knocking them out. He takes it and pointed to Lee Thanat. But, unbeknownst to him, Lee Thanat was already waiting for him with a gun in his hand. "Do you realise your father manipulated you?" Singto asked. "Stop talking! He will never do such a thing. Your death is already waiting for you, and yet you have gut to talk," yells Lee Thanat. "I think the one who would die today is you," Singto smirked. "You are the one who needs to prepare. Do you think I'd die that easily?" Lee Thanat responds. "Yeah. And I've come to kill you. So no one would be hurt after this," Singto replied.

"For someone who about to die, you still have gut to talk a lot" said Lee Thanat. Singto smirked, "At least my dad love me and never manipulated me." "Shut up! I told you he never do that!" yell Lee Thanat. "If he really love you, why he never met you? Not even once. The only thing that you grateful is he passed down all of his property so you wouldn't end up under the bridge. That's where led you to all of this. Why he never kill me? I'm pretty sure that he know about my true indentity, yet still choose to spare me. Because he want you to do that. If he going to the hell, he would bring you to" said Singto. Lee Thanat was quiet as he listen to Singto. Whatever SIngto said is true and he does have point, but Lee Thanat refuse to believe him. "I will not let you manipulate me by saying all those stupid stuff" Said Lee Thanat with anger in his eyes.

Lee Thanat had an epiphany while pointing a gun at Singto. He literally knew Singto's weakness after watching everything Singto did for so long. Lee Thanat brow furrowed. "Krist?" asked Lee Thanat. Singto quickly turned around and to find Krist. But, without his realization, Lee Thanat had already pulled the trigger when he turned around. BAM... One bullet is fired, and it is aimed squarely at Singto. Lee Thanat grinned. Singto plummets from the second floor straight to baement. "Phi Singto!" Gun and Krist exclaimed as they saw Singto fall after being shot. "Stop!" Tay yelled at Krist, who was on his way to Singto. BAM... another gunshot is fired. It comes from Tay. He shot Lee Thanat from the basement. Lee Thanat screams in pain. Everyone is on the lookout for Lee Thanat before he flees.

Singto fall from the second floor. Blood keep coming out. From his head as impact of the falling, from his mouth and his heart where he was shot fro Lee Thanat. Krist is sprinting at Singto. He moves Singto slowly and place him in his lap. Singto smiles as he watches Krist, hoping that this is not a dream. "I'm so... sorry..." Singto said while holding out his pain. "phi, please stay," said Gun, running straight to Singto. "Phi New! Phi Singto is in pain. Come here faster," Gun yells. New arrived and check Singto vital. Singto raises his hand and places it on Krist's cheek. "Ta... ke c...are of you...rself... and Gun... I lo... ve you," Singto said, tears streaming down his cheeks. He turned to face Gun. New quickly press his sternum, trying to save Singto. "No, no, no. Please, phi Singto, stay. Gun need you. Please forgive Gun and stay," Gun begged. Singto closed his eyes after saying, "Phi... alr... eady you." "No..... Phi Singto. Don't leave me," Krist exclaimed, hugging Singto. New quickly double-check Singto vital and shakes his head at Gun. "No, it's entirely my fault. I shouldn't have left the house. I shouldn't be upset with you. Phi Singto..." Wailing Gun. Off and Tay rush to them, realising what had happened. Off sat next to Gun and hugged him. Krist keep hugging SIngto as if he would not let him go. 

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