Chapter 34

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When Uncle Mark arrived at the house, he noticed that all of the maids were hiding in the kitchen. He noticed that some of them were trying hard not to cry. He gave them an odd look. Singto returned, limping and crying, just as he was about to approach them. Singto raised his head to face Uncle Mark. "Hey, Singto, what happened?" Uncle Mark inquires oddly. Singto takes Uncle Mark hands weakly to follow him and walks straight to his study room. Uncle Mark and Singto both noticed the mess on the table. "What happened here?" Uncle Mark inquires. "Krist did say he discovered everything. He must have discovered something here that I don't even know," Singto responds weakly. He was out of energy after chasing Krist.

Uncle Mark examined the papers and discovered a thumbdrive. He asked Singto whether it was his or not. Singto took it, connected it to his laptop, and watched the video. Uncle Mark was taken aback when he saw the video. "Ughh!" yells Singto, holding his head. He look at Uncle Mark while being in pain asking whether the video is true or not. Uncle Mark, on the other hand, shakes his head and says he had no idea. Singto looks at the video, and a memory that he had forgotten about returns to him.

Flashback 17 years ago,

Singto whimpers and stirs. He looked around and noticed that his hands and legs were tied together. He saw his father and the other men who were also tied to chairs talking, but he couldn't understand what they were saying as they were a bit far from him. That bad guy with the gun and two other men who follow him are back. He pointed his gun at his dad before turning and smiling at me. He also did the same thing to the man next to my father. "Dad!" exclaimed Singto. He wishes to move but is unable to do so. Those two men who are following that bad man approach him. They want to take Singto out of the room, but he refuses. One of them accidently hit Singto head, and shortly after that, Singto faint.

When he wake up, he was already at the hospital.

"Singto" Uncle Mark called Singto a few time but Singto did not react. All he did was crying. Uncle Mark put his hand on Singto shoulder, Singto turned his head to see Uncle Mark and said, "Please tell me what happen. I'm begging you" Uncle Mark debate whether he was going to tell Singto or not. After seeing how Singto keep begging him, he finally give up. He sat at the chair across Singto and finally begin talking, "Your dad, I and also the man that shoot your dad is Lowkhun. Three of us were best friend since high school. Both your dad and Lowkhun like the same woman which is your mom but your mom decide to choose your dad. During their wedding day, I'm facing some problem which is losing my son. So I moved to Italy. Let's just say, after that, I rarely contact your dad.

"Singto" Uncle Mark called Singto several times, but he did not respond. He did nothing but cry. Uncle Mark placed his hand on Singto's shoulder, and Singto turned to face Uncle Mark, saying, "Please tell me what happened. Please, I beg you." Uncle Mark debated whether or not to tell Singto. He finally gave up after seeing how much Singto begged him. He sat across from Singto and finally began speaking, "Your dad, I, and the man who shot your dad's name is Lowkhun. We'd been best friends since high school. Your father and Lowkhun both have feelings for the same woman, your mother, but your mother chooses your father. During their wedding day, I'm facing some problem which is losing my son. So I moved to Italy. Let's just say that after that, I rarely communicate with your father.

After a long time, I believe around 9 years, your father contacts me again, saying that I should protect both you and Gun. When I arrived, your father had already died, and you were in the hospital. I did some research on everything, but I still haven't found anything. After watching that video, I'm convinced that Lowkhun is behind everything." Uncle Mark took Singto's hand and said, "Don't worry, my little Simba, I've already got someone looking into everything. I'll let you know once he's discovered everything." Uncle Mark, please continue. Singto looked Uncle Mark in the eyes and saw no reason for Uncle Mark to lie about this. He also called Singto with his nickname 'little simba' which is only Uncle Mark called him that.

"What about Krist's father? Why was he there?" inquires Singto once more. Uncle Mark sighed deeply before responding, "I'm not sure about it either. I was surprised to see him there as well. It's fine, I'll have someone look into this." Singto bowed. One thing he discovered about himself was that no matter what Uncle Mark did, he would never be angry with him. He has no idea why, but every word he says is soothing to Singto. Singto takes something out of his pocket and hands it to Uncle Mark.

"Today is our wedding anniversary. And I had intended to propose to him. But this happened all of a sudden. He had already abandoned me. He's not going to return," Singto sobbed. Uncle Mark stands up and embraces Singto. He is well aware of Singto's feelings for Krist. And he knows how much pain Singto is experiencing right now. "I love him so much. I have no idea what is going on. Uncle... Please help me. I don't want him to leave," Singto insisted, pleading with Uncle Mark to assist him. "Don't worry, little Simba. Uncle will help you, okay?" Uncle Mark said, trying to keep his tears from falling. He wants to cry because he sees how vulnerable Singto is right now. He continued to stroke Singto's head in an attempt to persuade him. Uncle Mark kept telling Singto that he is here.

While trying to persuade Singto, Uncle Mark notice a letter under the chair. He take it up and read with Singto.

Krist Perawat.

Why don't you watch the video on that thumb drive before you throw it away? You'll understand what happened after watching the video. That incident depicted in the video occurred 17 years ago. On the day that both your father and Singto father died. You're probably wondering why I have that video and how you never knew this was the real reason why your father died. As you can see, his father was killed before your father. You guessed correctly, right? His father was the reason your father died. Not to mention, he is there, but did he mention it? I'm not sure. You were the only one who knew the answer.

Don't you see that the cause of death and the time of death were both the same? And was it the same doctor who signed their death certificate? As far as I know, your dad never had any heart problems, right? Could it have been his idea not to tell anyone about this? And he thought hiding would be the most secure way to live? After all, he is the only one who knows the answer. I hope you are able to bring your father to justice.

The only reason why I did this to let you being fool by his innocent. Until when he is going to fool you. One day, truth gonna come out right?

"Give it to me. I'm going to figure out who did this to you. And I'm not going to let them go," Uncle Mark declared. Making a promise to Singto that he will not allow this to happen. 'You chose to go instead of listening to my explanation. Was the ticking bomb had been explode?' wondered Singto. He is currently exhausted. He simply let Uncle Mark do whatever he wanted. He lacked the energy to stop him.

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