Chapter 11

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Meeting with Lee Thanat, CEO of Lee empire is total nerve wracking. How is not nerve wracking, what Singto agrees, he is not. What he is agrees, Singto not. Everyone else in the meeting room wondered, why did they decide to work together in the first place. After 2 hours long meeting, they finally agreed with one solution. It was Off concept. He even have to step in their middle staring contest. Lee Thanat stand and reaching out his hand, "Although we did not agree on everything, I hope we can work on this project together."

Singto gives him a friendly smile and shakes his hand. 'Worked together my ass. As is I want to worked with you on the first hand. If you are not suspicious enough, I would not agree' Singto reasoned.

Lee Thanat and his worker were leaving Sun & Moon Corporation when they came across Krist. Although Krist ignores him, Lee Thanat continues to stare at him. Seeing how happy Krist is, he'll probably bring lunch to Singto. "How are the things that I ask you to do?" he asked his secretary. "I did everything you asked, but he didn't respond. I believe he is trying to ignore it," said his secretary. Lee Thanat simply nodded. He must alter the game. 'Krist Perawat... I wonder how he'd react' he thought as he smiled.


"I know you would not go out for lunch. So that's why I'm here today bringing you lunch" Krist explained as he arranged the food on the coffee table. "Did you eat yet, baby?" Krist raises his head. "I want to eat with you phi. If you don't eat, then I won't eat either." Knowing Singto, blackmail him while using himself is the best. Because he would immediately give up.

Singto simply smirked. He sat on the couch, his hand holding a spoon, and began to pick up food and place it in his mouth. "And your cooking is definitely the best" Singto praised Krist. While both of them busy eating, Krist open topic of their holiday. "I've already decided on the Maldives as our vacation destination. It is preferable to rest while admiring the beautiful scenery. Are you okay, or do you already have somewhere you want to go?" ask Krist. "Honestly, everywhere is fine. As long as I have you" Singto said, winking. "Yucks.." Krist is amusing himself by pretending to vomit.

"Have you already made a reservation? If not, tell Prem to make one" said Singto. Krist shakes his head "I told you I will handle everything. Futhermore, the whole trip will supposed to be surprised. I'm just telling you where we would go in advanced so you won't keep asking me later." Krist already make reservation on everything. 'Phi would be surprised' thought him and smiling like crazy man.

"If you keep smiling like that, I might change my mind. I want to go with my boyfriend not some crazy people" said Singto. Krist just stare at him. "It's okay if you don't want to go. I will bring someone else. I wonder who should I bring?" Singto drop his spoon and fork, slowly getting close to Krist. "Whoa... This is office Sir. Not bedroom" said Krist. He shouldn't say that. Now this man is getting closer to him. Closer and closer until there is no more spaces. Singto quickly catches him when he tries to get up. With Singto's quick reflexes, he was already on top of Krist. Securing Krist so he couldn't leave.

He goes to Krist ear, "I wonder if I should pretend not to hear what you just said or not. Let see if you can walk out of this room normally or not." Singto quickly attack his lips. Definitely didn't give Krist enough time to process anything. One of Singto's hand hold both of Krist hand while the other hand is busy doing his job on Krist top.

The door unexpectedly opened while they were busy minding their own business open. Krist and Singto both shook and looked at the man who walked into the room as if nothing had happened. "Don't you know how to knock first?" said Singto, getting up from Krist. Krist, who was flustered, was fixing his hair and top, which had already become loose because of Singto. Off, just smile like a lunatic. "I'm sorry, Krist, and I hope you don't mind. Hehehhe."

"Make sure you finish your meal. Don't forget to bring the container back," Krist said as he exited the room. He couldn't hide his embarrassment where everyone was staring at him.

"Speak now. What do you want?" "Well, I'd like to invite you to lunch, but it appears that you've already eaten" Off explained. Singto just stare at him. 'Only that!' he thought. The staring is keep continue until it make Off uncomfortable. The longer he stays in this room, the more he feels like he's waiting to die. Off quickly get up "Er.. I just remember that I need to pick up Gun. Well I better go now." "I want all the report by my desk before 5!" Off quickly leaving Singto who already roaring.

'How am I going to settle this' Singto look at his hard thing. It looks like he need to handle it alone.


At the university,

White, Mike, and Gun exited their classroom together. "Let's have a barbecue tonight. I'll pay for it," White cheerfully declares. Mike, who enjoys free food, said that what White said made him feel like he was about to fly. "Nahh... Both of you can go" Gun turned down White's offer. Gun's behaviour over the last few days has already answered their question, regardless of why he didn't want to go. "Okay, but if you suddenly change your mind and want to come, call me. I can come get you" White said. Gun nodded and excuse himself.

"Why does he want to keep hurting himself?" White wonders. One thing he didn't understand was why Gun chose to stay and continue loving Off even though he knew it would hurt him. Mike exhaled, "Because that is love. Even though you are aware of the pain, you are unable to leave. There is no way out unless you continue to love that person. Doesn't matter if it hurt, if the reason is love, anything is possible." White look and Mike. He placed a hand on Mike's shoulder. And they both leave the university.

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