Chapter 37

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"Can I speak?" New ask. Tay nodded, allowing New to speak. "I was surprised by what you were saying to me. And I never expected us to have this kind of discussion. Were you on his good side or bad side? And what was the point of this investigation?" New asked again. Tay took a deep breath and noticed that New was trying not to cry. Tay wishes he could take New's hand, but he simply shrugs it off. "If you ask me, I'm on his good side. But I'm not sure if the outcome of this investigation was favourable to him. And the reason for this is... What should I say? It's like discovering the truth about the past that has been hidden by lies," Tay responded to New's question.

"If things get out of hand, would you tell me about it?" New asks again. "I do if it involves Singto." New calmed down after hearing Tay's response. Tay was taken aback by his smile. "First and foremost, thank you for being honest," New chuckled when he saw Tay's reaction. "Despite the fact that it has been a long time, I'm not sure how long, you have decided to tell me everything. I really appreciate it. I'm not going to lie, it makes me think you're here not because you love me, but for some other reason, but if we look back from the moment we met until now, you've never mentioned someone else rather than us. If you want to look into me. You would have done it from the start and not now.

But, doesn't everything take time? Even though I understand your point, I still need some time to process everything. Could you please give me some time to think about it?" New asked Tay while hold his tears. He'd done his best to not cry at this moment. Tay look at New. From the first time he met New to the present, he has noticed that New is someone who always thinks before acting. Although New had an inner child and would sometimes act like a child, he knew when and where he needed to be serious. "You can take as much time as you want. And please call me back when you are ready. I'll be waiting for yout you. But first, can we finish our lunch?" Tay inquires. New nodded.

They both continued to eat without saying anything to each other. Tay noticed that New was trying so hard not to cry, but he couldn't do anything because he is the main reason why New is sad. Tay sent New back to the hospital after their lunch, and that was the last time they saw each other. Tay and New are both unsure how long they will be apart. Maybe a day, maybe a week, probably a month or more than that.

"Let's meet again where we can love each other without any reason, Te" New says to himself as he walks through the hospital, leaving Tay alone in his car.

"Let's meet again where we can love each other without any reason, Hin" said Tay as he seeing New walk away until he disappear from his sight.


Off cleaned his plate after finishing dinner. The doorbell rang after he finished cleaning. He opens the door and sees New, who appears to be broken. Yes, I repeat, the cheerful New appears to be broken. Off, welcome New inside. Off he goes to kitchen, grab two glass and a bottle of wine for both New and him and sits down next to New on the sofa. "Gun wasn't here?" New asks, taking a sip of wine. "No, he's busy today," Off said, shaking his head. "He stated that he needed to complete their group project. Why?" Off inquires. "Did he say anything about Singto?" asks New, ignoring Off's question.

Off pause for a moment before responding, "I don't think so. Is something wrong with Singto? And don't ignore my question this time," Off said. "It's nothing," says New, chuckling slightly. "I'm just worried about Singto now that we've learned about those idiot Lee Thanat. That's all," New responds. Off finally asked, "Did you fight with Tay?" after a long silence. New drink before responding. "I wouldn't call it a fight. Let's just say we need to reconsider our relationship before we go any further." "Like you said, New, Love is simple yet lovely thing. It was us as a human that made it complicated. And each of us had to go through the bitter before we could enjoy the sweet of love." advice Off to New.

And then Off burst out laughing. New just gave him a strange look and didn't bother to ask him why he was laughing like a lunatic. "Did you know that whenever we had a love problem, we always found each other and not Singto? I'm so envious of him. He has the perfect love life, while we are always dealing with problems," Off explained. "How do you know he had a perfect relationship?" New asks, shaking his head. "Nobody is perfect. What's on people's faces isn't always the same as what's on people hearts," New explained.

Off raised his hand as a sign of surrender. And they continue to drink before Off asks again, "Why does the universe always meet two strangers at first and separate two people who are already in love with each other?" "Perhaps to teach us a lesson. Nothing is permanent," New responded. "Ouch. That hurts," Off said, placing his hand to his heart to demonstrate his pain. They both laugh at each other. "I'll going to tell Singto tomorrow. Wish me luck," New says. "Best wishes for you, man. Please notify me if he ever expresses disapproval of your relationship. I have a holiday home in New Zealand and a perfect job for you there," New jokes.

Off nodded at New suggestion, "If both of you decide to break up. Please notify me. I haven't punched anyone in a long time." This time it was Off giving a stupid idea to New. They continue to laugh and drink throughout the night.

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