Chapter 29

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Krist sat at a table in his café. He is currently searching for a new recipe on his laptop. He intended to add another dessert to attract more customers. While he was immersed in his own world, his phone abruptly rang to indicate a new notification. He checks his phone and notices yet another unknown number. He sighs before pulling out his phone.

Hi. It's me again. Just want to let you know that I've got something for you. It should arrive soon.

What are you talking about? What is that?

If I tell you right now, it is not surprise at all. Just wait

Krist looked around but couldn't find anything. What exactly does he mean? While he was busy in his own world, one of his employees approached him and said, "Boss, there's someone who delivered this and he said this is for you." Krist raised his head and turned to face his employee, who was holding an envelope. "Thank you," he says as he takes the envelope. "You can go back to work," Krist said. His employee bowed politely before returning to his work.

Krist open and saw a picture. It was his dad and.... Singto's dad! He recognised Singto's dad after seeing his picture several times. Singto and Gun both kept a picture of their father in the living room. "Does dad know who Singto's dad is? Why has Singto never told me anything?" Krist mumbled. And then the phone rang again, this time from an unknown number.

How it is? Are you surprise?

What do you want exactly? Are you trying to ruining my relationship? Do you think I would choose to believe this picture that I don't even know whether real or not than believe Singto?

Up to you. I did remind you right? Do not trust your boyfriend way too much.

Well, that's all for today. Goodbye and see you again.

Krist massaged his brow. 'No Krist. Don't trust him. He just wants to screw you over,' Krist reasoned. But he can't seem to get that image out of his head. He took a deep breath and went to the kitchen to burn the picture. "They were most likely friends. There's no way the man who was rumoured to have died alongside my dad is Singto's dad." Krist murmurs to himself, "Yeah." He looked down at his trembling hands. Krist exits the kitchen and returns to his table after ensuring that the picture has been burned. Krist returned his attention to his laptop, ignoring the distractions around him that just happened.


Many students rush out of class. They were, however, three students who took their time and let others out first. "Let's eat outside since class after this is cancelled," Mike suggested. While all of their legs were still walking out of class, he put his right hand on Gun's shoulder and the other on White's. "That's correct. Let's go, Gun. Right now, it's difficult to see you unless we have class," responds White. Gun extends his hand to shake his friend's. "Damn you Gun," Mike says abruptly. "When you were heartbroken, you came to us, when you were happy, you abandoned us. I'm shocked you did this to us." Mike bursts out faking crying.

"I'm sorry, but I've already promised papi that we'll go out today," Gun said, making a cute face. White and Mike exchange glances. "I can't believe a day like this has come where Gun has disowned us. How dare you," White exclaimed, placing his right hand at his heart. Proving that he is hurt. Gun laughed. "Sorry. How about tomorrow?" Gun suggests. Mike smiled and raised his hand, "Sorry, but I can't tomorrow." "What do you mean?" White asked, quickly turning his head. "Don't tell me you've already moved on."

"Nothing," Mike chuckled a little. "I'm just going to go grocery shopping with my mom." "So, you're still not moving on?" Gun asking cautiously. Mike sat down on a bench near them. "If you asked me if I'm moving on or not, I could have said no." Gun sat down beside Mike and rested his hand on Mike's shoulder. "Then why are you choosing to let it go in the first place if you know you'll still hold onto it?" Gun questions. "It isn't easy, Gun. What's the point of keeping it if you're the one who suffers? I could not have been in his or your situation. However, looking through your eyes already reveals everything" said White after been silence for a while.

"Love isn't always about being with someone. But love is also about losing. It is up to us to decide how we will perceive love. Because love can take many forms," Mike explained. "But how come I've never seen you cry?" Gun inquires once more. "Just because I can carry it well, doesn't mean it ain't heavy," Mike responds. "Oyyy. The more we talk about feelings, the more confused I get," Gun said. Mike is amused by Gun's reaction. "That's because you haven't grown up yet," White says, flicking Gun's head. "You'll understand what we're saying when you're older," White said. Mike nodded.

"Let's just leave. I believe papi is already waiting for me," Gun said. Gun and Mike both get to their feet. They continue on their way. "Have fun," White said. Both of them decide to eat at the cafeteria after sending Gun to his dearest papi. "I just wanted to let you know that you still have me. Friends do things like that. Support one another," White said. Mike laughed. He understands how much White values their friendship. Each of them has their own issue. But they are relieved that they can rely on one another.

On the car,

"What would you do if we had to leave each other?" Gun asks, looking at papi. "If that day ever comes, I'll close my heart as tight as I can so no one will enter," he kissed Gun hand. "And I will continue to love you until the end of my days." "I don't know what the future holds for us, but for now, I just want to enjoy every moment with you," Gun sighs before speaking. And then they spend the rest of the day going to different places and eating different foods. Gun realises that it is not about where they go or the food they eat, but about who they enjoy spending time with and making memories with.

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