Chapter 33

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Krist was going as fast as he could. He didn't care if he got a speeding ticket or anything. What was on his mind right now was that video. As if his mind were a computer, it kept replaying itself. When he gets home, he goes straight to the study room, where Singto keeps all of the important documents. He looks it up and looks at Singto's father's death certificate. He compares the copy of his father's death certificate that he received. And Krist collapses on the floor.

Don't you see that the cause of death and the time of death were both the same? And was it the same doctor who signed their death certificate? As far as I know, your dad never had any heart problems, right?

Krist recalls the letter's contents. And he continues to cry. And keep on crying. Beseeching that this is all a dream. No, he begged, this was just a nightmare. Krist eventually placed every document on the table. He staggered into his room. He was crying again when he opened the door. He sat on the edge of the bed look around the room. As if looking for someone, but there is only one person inside. That's him.

He looked down at the watch Gun had given him on his wrist. Krist murmurs to himself, "I'm sorry Gun." He placed the watch, along with the gift for Singto, on top of the bed. After that, he gathered all of his belongings and placed them in his luggage. He notices a frame with their picture when they were in the university, smiling happily, on the nightstand. "I sorry, Phi. But I can't do this," he says to that frame. As if he were speaking directly to Singto. After done packaging, he brought the luggage downstairs, take his cats and placed both of his cats in the cage, and waited for Singto to return home. He even warns all of the maids to stay quiet.


Singto rushes out to the jewelry store after completing a few tasks. He already preordered those rings, and he's just going to pick them up now. He parks his car outside the shop and walks right up to the counter. "Hello, I'm here to pick up the ring that I ordered," Singto said to one of their employees. "Yes, sir," the worker replied. "Could you please tell me your name and the serial number of your order?" Singto nodded and handed her his phone to show her the serial number, saying, "Yes, my name is Singto Prachaya, and here is the serial number." The staff nodded, took the phone, and typed the number into the computer to check. After a few minutes, he returned the Singto phone and said, "Yes, Sir Prachaya." Your ring is inside, I'm going to go inside and take it. You can take a seat first while waiting." Singto nodded and took a seat near the counter on the sofa.

After nearly ten minutes, the staff returned and handed the ring box to Singto, saying, "Sorry for your wait, sir. Is this the ring you ordered? You can check the design and size before I pack it up for you," the staff said. Singto nodded, and the worker took a step back, allowing Singto to confirm whether or not his order was followed. Singto opens the box and examines the ring. That box contains two rings. Those rings are beautifully engraved with small diamonds that do not shine too brightly and with their names engraved inside. 'Will he like it?' wondered Singto, smiling. He returned those rings to the staff and said, "Yes, it is. Can you pack up?" ask Singto.

The staff pack the box, place it in a paper bag, and hand it over to Singto. He then walked out of the shop, got into his car, and drove straight home. He can't wait for tonight, when he'll propose to Krist. He kept looking at the paper bag he had placed in the passenger seat next to him while driving. He arrived at his house after a few minutes of driving. He took the ring box and placed it in his pocket, while the paper bag was placed in the back seat. When he arrives, he goes inside to find Krist waiting for him. He was about to greet him excitedly when Singto noticed one luggage and cat's cage next to him.

"Hi, baby. Why are the luggage and the cat's cage here? And why do you look like you were just crying?" Singto wonders. He approaches Krist, and in an instant, Krist stands up and slaps Singto. Singto was taken aback, "Why...? Why did you slap me?" asks Singto, ignoring the throbbing and stinging sensation in his cheek and approaching Krist once more. "You deceive me!" Your father was the reason my father died, and you were there. You saw everything, but you're acting stupid!" Krist begins yelling, and his tears flow once more. "Is that why you started dating me? Was the resoan that I'm here is for you to exact your vengeance on me? What motivated you to do this? What's the point of Singto? Why!" Krist began yelling and he kept hitting Singto's chest.

"Baby, please don't do this," Singto takes both Kris' hands. "I'm not sure what you were on about. Let's calm down, okay?" Singto tries to persuade Krist. "There's nothing to talk about," Krist says, taking his hand back and wiping away his try harder. "I already look everything. I could not believe that you hide this thing away from me. I can't stand in this house. Especially under the same roof as you!" Krist exclaimed. He leaves the house with his luggage and the cage. Ignoring Singto, who was attempting to stop him, he said, "Baby wait! Please don't do this to me." Singto continues to speak, but Krist completely ignores him. He loads everything into his car and drives inside. He was about to drive but Singto stand in front of his car.

"Please don't do this. I beg you. Don't leave me," Singto continues to try. He hoped Krist would calm down, but then he noticed the determination in Krist's eyes. Krist was sobbing in the car. He reverse the car then drive away but not to hit Singto. Singto continues to chase Krist's car, yelling for him to stop, but Krist ignores him and drives away. Singto fell while chasing Krist. He looks at the car as it fades away. Singto kept crying, hoping Krist would return, but he never did. He did not return. He leave Singto all alone.

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