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Hobi look at Jimin with his serious stare and Jimin reply with an awkward smile.

"Hyung, i don't even know that you had an issue with him. Well this is my first task right?" Jimin looks at Hobi reaction before he continue to safe his guard.

"Oh come on, I will find the other model okay. Just name it and I will get him ."
Jimin say it confidently.
The male model that he choose for the new collection is one of the models that had been blacklisted by JH lines.

"I told you to send the profile to my PA before proceed. Why did you skip that part?"
Hobi ask him calmly but in a firm tone and his eyes still stare on Jimin.

"Hyung, he's on the top model now. Our collection will be look good on him. Its going to be a hit!
We can give him a second chance right , Hyung..... " Jimin try to beg Hobi because it will be a chaos to find a replacement within a few hours.

"We're not always have a second chance in life Jimin. Don't hope for it."
Hobi again said it in his calm voice but this time he had a soft stare on Jimin.

"So its mean NO and I still need to find the replacement?" Jimin ask back and he start to scratch his head. Now he feel the tense.

Because of he is so busy flirting around with Hobi's new PA, both of them missout to reconfirm the model profile and now he's in a mess.

Hobi just nod his head and continue scrolling his phone.

Jimin suddenly draw a smile. He know who is the most suitable model to fullfill Hobi picky details.

"Hyung, i think i know who is the best model for this collection!" Jimin said it with his excited tone.

"Tell me who?" Hobi reply without look at him.

Jimin repairs his hair and stand up confidently in front of Hobi.

"He is handsome,tall, got a bright smile, also a nice figure and small little dimple in his both cheeks.
He can act cute and sweet but his expertise is to act manly in front of the lens "
Jimin tell all the details with his own expression.

Hobi just nod his head again without looking at him.

"Hyung!!!" Jimin start to protest when Hobi keep ignore him.

"Now take it or leave it!" this time Jimin use his firm voice to Hobi.

Hobi slowly raise his head and look at Jimin. With Hobi reaction, Jimin facial expression from a stress face change to a happy and cute smiley face.

"Please say that you will say yes to him! " Jimin back to his begging mode.

"Who is he? Have we work with him?"

"Yes!! He loves our JH lines so much and you know him Hyung.."


Jimin smile and raised his both eyebrows to Hobi.

"Jung Ho Seok. " Jimin said it with a bright smile.

Hobi shakes his head and grab a small pillow next to his seat then throw it directly to Jimin's head.

"Stop being nonsense. Now back to your work, you only have around 2 hours before the shoot." Hobi back to scrolling his phone.

Jimin sighs.

He gather his energy and walk confidently to Hobi. He takes away Hobi phones and pull him to stand up.
He knows Hobi wont dare to yell or kill him if he do that.

" In 2 hours time, I wont able to meet or found the models with you crazy picky details.
So since the details is came from you, prove me, that you can do it. "
Jimin try to challenge Hobi.

"I'm not buy your provoke Jimin" Hobi reply while he try to take back his phone from that boy.

Jimin smirks and laugh in tiny. He gives the phone back to Hobi.
He makes a move to leave the room but in front of the door he turns back his face to Hobi.


Hobi look at him with a blank emotion in his face.

"Its like an advice right. Its easy to say to the others but its hard for you do it on your ownself."
Jimin then draw a petty smile.

"You loves to find a perfectionist on your model but you cant show it to us.
Cause its just easy to say it , but hard to prove it..." and he send a smirk to Hobi before he open the door.

Hobi smiles on Jimin's back.

"Let's prove it" Hobi said with a whisper voice but its enough to be heard by Jimin.

Jimin left the room with a wide smile.

"I gotcha Hobi hyung.."

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