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Hobi rests his head on the table. He needs sleep but he can't.
There are so many things he needs to settle by today.

Tomorrow onwards he wants to give all his attention to Yn.

Hobi gets his head up.

He try to get up but his limb became weak and he lost his balance.

He falls to the floor.

"Are you okay?" Jaja who just come in into the meeting room tried to help him to stand up.

"I can't stand up, I need the chair," he said in pain.

Jaja helps him to sit on his chair.

"Let me call the doctor, " Jaja tries to call the doctor but Hobi stops her.

"I'm just tired and I only need a rest" Hobi tries to calm her down.

"It's not just tired Hobi."

"Please.." Hobi beg Jaja to stop.

"Where are your meds?" she takes Hobi's bag and starts searching for something.

"I had stopped consuming the meds," Hobi reply a smile. But sweats start to form on his forehead.

"You what??"

"Hand me the tissue" Hobi try to ignore Jaja's question.

Jaja doesn't want to hand him anything. She waiting for her answer.

Hobi sigh.

"Okay I'm sorry. I will call my doctor after this and I will resume my meds okay? Now I need some tissue, please. " Hobi give up.

Hobi had been diagnosed with Relapsing-remitting Multiple Sclerosis three years ago. He's not having chronic symptoms but he has relapse symptoms and he has to consume his meds to minimize the symptom.

For almost a year he had stopped consuming the meds and attending regular follow up cause he had stopped having the symptom.
So he thought he would be good without meds and consultation.

But past few days he start to feel muscle weakness and he knows it is a sign of his relapse symptom.

"Did your Yn know about your condition Hobi?" Jaja tries to ask. But she already knows the answer.

"I'm not chronic and I still can handle this. She shouldn't have to worry about me. No one should worry about this." Hobi reply.

"I'll drive you to the doctor." Jaja sends an instruction.

Hobi shakes his head.

"I want to look at the dress that I sent to you this morning. Where is the dress?" Hobi changes the topic.

He just needs rest then after the party tomorrow he will go to the doctor.

"Jung Hoseok!" Jaja starts to feel mad about his behavior.

"The dress Jaja," he tries to remain calm. Jaja will always worry every time he has his relapse symptom and they will end up arguing.

But today he's too tired to argue. He just wants to clear the pending task and run to his Yn.

"Can you put the dress aside? Now I'm talking about your health Hobi. " Jaja still not done with the things.

"I can't. Hand me the dress then you may leave."


"Jaja, please. I don't have time to spare for this stupid argument."

"What do you mean by stupid Hobi? I am talking about you. Did you realize that??"

"Again... Please..." Hobi starts to lose his calm.

"I won't hand the dress to you until you meet your doc." Jaja won't give up.

Hobi gather all the energy he has and forced his limb to support his weight. He stands up and holds onto the wall for support.

Jaja tries to help but he pushes her hand roughly.

"I need nothing besides the dress," he said while walking slowly to the door.

"Great Hobi. Go ahead with your stupid dress and I won't care about you anymore." Jaja giving up. She doesn't know why he has to give too much attention to the dress more than himself.

Hobi stops his pace and turns to Jaja with a stare.

"Don't you dare to call it a stupid dress!" Hobi clenches his jaw.

Jaja just realise she had slipped out a bad word.


"Nothing stupid when it's related to Yn. NOTHING!! and please. Stop caring about me. " after saying that, he left the meeting room.

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