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"Morning Granny.." Hobi greet Ms Gracy and have a sit on the dining table.

Ms Gracy reply with a smile.

"What do you want for breakfast Hobi?" Ms Gracy ask him.

"Do we have something special today? I smell something good from my room" Hobi try to tease Ms Gracy.

"You have a good sense of smell. Well we have kimchi fried rice, thank God i keep it aside for you." Miss Gracy serve a plate of kimchi fried rice to Hobi.

"Why? All the boys already eat this without me?" Hobi take a spoon of the fried rice and eat it slowly.

"All 6 of them wakes up early than you just for this." Miss Gracy explain to Hobi.

This morning is a chaos. Everybody fighting for the last scoop of the rice.

"Thanks for keep it some for me and its taste really good Granny. You never make this one for a breakfast." Hobi praises the delicious breakfast.

"Its not me. Yn make this one." Ms Gracy replied.

Hobi stop chewing the food. He look at Ms Gracy for a confirmation.

"Jungkook request for it and here we go." Ms Gracy reply and left to the kitchen.

Hobi resume his eating slowly.


"Did you like it?" suddenly there's a voice coming from Hobi's back.

Without turning his body to the voice, he already know who's the owner.

Without turning his body to the voice, he already know who's the owner

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He push away the plate which still have a half of kimchi fried rice. He have a sip of his morning coffee and get up from the sit.

"Granny, i will be late for dinner. You dont have to wait for me" Hobi raise his voice so that Ms Gracy can heard him from the kitchen.

He ignore Yn and walk out from the house.

Yn quite shock with Hobi action.

'Why he hates me so much. Is he still mad about the contract that I declined?' Yn keep asking herself and no one could answer it.

'How I wish I can see his smile again..'

"Ehem.." someone clearing his throat.

Yn look around for the voice.

"Good morning.." YN greet him politely.

"Good morning Yn. So how are you today?" Jin reply her greet and move closely to her.

He bend down his body a little bit to make a same eyes level with Yn.

"Did you catch any cold, cough or fever?" he ask again and he put his hand on Yn's forehead

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"Did you catch any cold, cough or fever?" he ask again and he put his hand on Yn's forehead.

Yn smile to him.

"No, I'm good and strong" she said it happily.

Jin reply with a smile.

"You know what I am going to say to you right?" Jin ask a question again.

Yn nod her head like a little kid.

"But I still firm with my decision , Dr Kim.." she replied him with her bright smile.

Jin also draw a smile as a reply.

"I know I cant force you to went for your treatment, but.. If you change your mind, just ring me .. Okay?"

"I will."

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