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"I thought you will a dinner date with you girl Jk.." Yn looks at Jungkook who is focus on his drive.

Jungkook smiles after hearing question from Yn.

"I still got around 2-3hours before the date. But if you want me to cancel the date, I will do it."

Yn punch Jungkook muscle arm using her small fist.

"Auchhh noona.. Its hurt.. Please help me , I cant drive." Jungkook jokingly play like he is hurt.

YN give him an annoying expression as a reply.

Jungkook laugh happily when he see Yn reaction and slowly he stop his car on the side of the road.

"Is it really hurt?" Yn thought Jungkook stop his car because of the pain from her punch.

Jungkook turn his face to Yn. He nod slowly and his face start to turn into red.

"I'm sorry, I just joking. Let me drive the car, I will take you to the nearest clinic okay." YN start to loose her seat belt.

Jungkook stop her from loosing the seat belt.

He try to draw a smile but his lips starts to shake likes he is in scared.

"Little Bunny.. Is everything okay?" Yn put her hands on Jungkook cheeks.

"Please dont leave me Noona.." Jungkook words comes out together with his tears.

"Lets get you chemo over here, and let me be there with you.. I wont leave you Noona.." Jungkook start to begging his older cousin.

Yn put a smile on her face.

"We have talk about this right, I will have the treatment in States alone.. then I will come back to you , healthy and fine." she try to make Jungkook calm.

Jungkook shake his head.

"Jungkook, please listen to me"

"Cone and stay with me Noona.." Jungkook said firmly.


"I want to take a good care on you Noons. You wont let me stay in your house right? So before you leave me for the treatment, i want you to stay with me,, for a month.. In my house.." again Jungkook make the word sounds firm.

"Jungkook, I cant do that.. You are staying with your friends. I shouldnt move in there.."
Yn disagree with his idea.

"Then,, let me move into your house for a month!" Jungkook doesnt want to give up.

"NO!! I also staying with my friend.. Ugh!! Little Bunny, you cant do this. I know i had promised to spend a month with you but not for 24/7"

"Why not? You are my only sister that I had. And i'm not that stupid to believe you will coming back after the treatment. You had on hold your treatment for a year Noona,and now you're facing your last stage.
Look at these wig, your skinny body, your pale face and lips." Jungkook start to burst out his feeling.

"You can act and lie infront of the others but not me Noona. This is recurrence cancer and I know you were aware enough about the risk for your decision ."

YN cant hold herself anymore and she start to cry herself out.

"I'm sorry but I really want to take a good care on you Noona. Please.. Let me do that. Just a month..." Jungkook continue to beg his loveable cousin.

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