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Everybody waiting for Hobi answer.

"In the simplest way ,"
Everyone release their sigh hearing Hobi answer.

" I will hold her hands.." Hobi continue.

Yn stay in silent.
Now Hobi is holding one of her hand under the table and he hold it warmly.

"Then I will look into her eyes.."
And slowly Hobi turn his face to Yn.

Yn put her face down when he saw Hobi turning to her.

Hobi let out a tiny laugh.

Since his left hand is occupied with Yn's hand under the table, he use his right hand to hold up Yn chin and makes Yn to face him.

Again both of them looks into each other through their eyes and they stay silent for a while.

'If this is a dream, please let me stay for a little longer' Yn almost crying at this point.

'Please dont let me down Yn' while Hobi praying for his heart.

" I love you.." Hobi said it softly.
He looks into Yn reaction.

'am I dreaming right now?' Yn still doesnt believe on the things happened right now.

When Yn doesnt show any rejection Hobi slowly move his face closer to Yn.

"I really love you," and he leaves a kiss on Yn's forehead.

Yn close her eyes. A tears start to fa down to her cheek.

'I dont want to get up from this dream'

"Finally.." Jimin celebrate Hobi confession happily.

Hearing Jimin's voice makes Yn realise that she's not in a dreamland.
Slowly using one hand, she push Hobi from her.

'It cant be happening,'

"What are you doing Hobi?" Yn ask with a shaking voice.

Hobi hold both of Yn hands firmly.

"I mean it Yn. I love you. I dont want to lose you. " Hobi start to confess his feeling to her.

'I love you too but we are not meant to be together.'

"I'm sorry.." Yn slowly release her hand from Hobi.

Hobi doesnt want to give up on Yn.

"Please let me go," Yn starts to beg him with a tears falling on her cheeks.

"Hobi, let her go. You're hurting her"
Jin start to voice out.

Hobi release his hold.

"Are you hurts?" he ask Yn.

But she get up and walk to her room.

The dining hall turn into silent.

'Is that a No and am I hurting my love one?' Hobi start to feel guilty.

Then Hobi get up from his sit and went out from the house.

"Hyung.."V call for Namjoon so that they can do something but Namjoon ask him to stay quiet.

Later , Jin get up and walk to Yn room.

Jimin look at Jin moves with his curious eyes.

Meanwhile Jungkook start to feel uneasy about the scene. Anyss try to calm him down.

"Anyss.. I cant take you home. Can you go back with Sara?" Jungkook hoping for Anyss understanding.

Anyss nod her head slowly.

"I'm sorry.. " Jungkook felt so bad to her girl but he need to do something about Yn.

"Its okay. I do understand. Please make sure Unnie is okay.." Anyss answer makes Jungkook feel calm.

Without waiting any minutes, Jungkook also went into Yn's room.

"What are both of them doing inside there?" Jimin get furious.

"Jimin, let Jin hyung and Jungkook settle this thing. Dont think about anything bad, they just doing the right thing." Suga stop Jimin from going to Yn's room.

"Did you hide something about Yn from me?" Sara start to investigate Yoongi.

"I have to sweetie. I had promise Jungkook, I wont talk to anybody about this even to you. I'm sorry.." Yoongi answer it honestly.

Jimin still not satistfied with the answer from Yoongi.

"Is this related to her plan to go to States?" Jimin try to get a clue.

Yoongi remain silent.

"Anyss, say something.. I know you know everything.." Jimin start to force Anyss.

"I cant tell you." Anyss give the same answer as Yoongi.

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