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Jimin hand a box to Hobi.

"Just leave it there." Hobi ask Jimin to put a box that contain a new handphone on the coffee table in front of him.

"What is wrong with you man? You never acting this way." Jimin take a sit next to Hobi.

"Nothing, I'm just tired." Hobi answer without look at Jimin, he only have his eyes on the TV.

"Tired and you throw your phone to the wall?" Jimin still not happy with Hobi answer.

"Shhh.. I'm watching TV" Hobi try to stop Jimin.

"Hyung.. Did you love her?" Jimin ask Hobi directly.

"Who?" He pretend like he dont understand the thing ask by Jimin.

"Yn.." Jimin still waiting for the answer.

"Have you backup all my contact and related detail to this new phone?" Hobi takes out his new phone , just a way for him to avoid Jimin question.

"Gotcha Hyung... Stop pretend or acting like you doesnt listen to me. You make it more obvious." Jimin laugh at Hobi reaction.

Hobi try to answer but both of them turn their attention to the door when they heard someone coming in.

"I'm home.. With my guest..." Jungkook announce his presence.

Few moments later , there's a foot step sound can be heard walking down the stairs.

Ms Gracy also come out from the kitchen and join them in the living room.

"Please welcome my beloved Noona to this house." Jungkook open the door for Yn to enter.

Everybody clap their hand excitedly, except Hobi. Without looking at their new housemate, he get up from his seat, plan to walk to his room for some rest.

"Yn?" Yoongi calling out her name.

Yn smiles brightly to Yoongi.

Hobi cant move his feet when he heard her name.
He slowly turn his back .

There's YN smiling brightly to everyone who greet her.

"Hyung,, is that your Yn?" Jimin whisper to Hobi but he doesnt give any reaction. His focus only at the girl who standing with a beautiful smile next to Jungkook.

"I never thought you're Jk's cousin." Yoongi talk so friendly with Yn.

"And I never expect Sara's boyfriend is my cousin housemate" she reply Yoongi teasing.

"Glad that you have a friend Noona." Jungkook smile to Yn.

Jungkook introduce Yn to everybody and then they reach Hobi and Jimin.
Both Hobi and Yn look at each other.

"Noona, this is Jimin hyung and Hobi hyung." Jungkook work as the ice breaker.

"Hi Yn.. I'm the one who call you this morning" Jimin introduce himself.

"Mr Park?" Yn try to control her mix emotion in front of Hobi.

"Yes baby.. Its to bad that you not accepting our offer. I mean his offer" Jimin point to Hobi.

Hobi try to clear his throat.

"Welcome . I hope you will be okay with this place.Now please excuse me, I need to get a rest," without waiting for a reply, Hobi make his move to his room.

"Maybe he's tired. Let me takes you to your room Noona, " Jungkook try to cover Hobi unwelcome attitude.

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