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Ms Gracy smile watching Jin stirring his spoon in the mug.

'What did he had in his mind at this hour?'

Its almost 3am in the morning but Jin still in the kitchen, alone.

"Do you need anything?" Miss Gracy ask and pat his broad shoulder.

Jin who is shocked with Ms Gracy action accidentally spill the coffee from his mug.

"I'm sorry for making you shocked young man" Ms Gracy laugh at Jin reaction.

She takes a napkin to clean up the spill but Jin take it from her.

"I'll do it Granny."

Ms Gracy smile again watching her grown up baby.

"You will fall in love with me if you keep staring at me Granny" Jin teasing his beloved housemaid. Then he walk to the sink to wash the napkin and his empty mug.

"Oh my God. What should I do know Jinnie." she return the tease.

Jin laugh to Ms Gracy teasing.

"Do you want a drink or anything Granny?"

"I just need to know why my baby is still awake at this hour?" Ms Gracy reply .

Jin walk to her and take a sit in front of Ms Gracy.

"I miss her Granny.." he said with a gloomy face.

"She's here now. You can meet her anytime." Miss Gracy cheering him up.

"But still I miss her. A lot." Jin say with a sigh.

Miss Gracy can sense something different with Jin's mood.

"Anything you want to share Jin?"

Jin look at Ms Gracy eyes.

"I cant make a move forward Granny. She love Hobi." he said slowly. He try to smile but its so hard.

"Are you sure?"

Jin nod his head.

"Hobi confess his feeling at the dinner."

" Did she accept that?"

" No, she went to her room."

"Then you still have a chance."

Now Jin shakes his head.

"She's crying over him Granny."

Miss Gracy lost her words. She try to send her support by holding Jin's hand.

"I ask her if she loves Hobi too and she denied. But at the same time she's crying and she looks so hurt." all Yn's reaction playing inside his mind.

"Are you okay with that?" Ms Gracy try to check on Jin.

"I have to. I dont have any other choice Granny." he try to laugh.

His first meet with Yn was 10years ago, during his practical session.
A young teenagers who so motivate with her rehab along the way of her journey to be free from cancer.

Because of her, Jin decide to be in Oncology field and Yn is his source for the information and experience.

And all these 10 years he keep his feeling to her by himself.

"I will be happy if she's happy Granny"

Suddenly they heard a man voice shouting for help.

Jin look at Granny with his panic expression.

"Jin, its sounds like Hobi. "

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