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Hobi cant have a sleep on his bed. He was so restless. Finally he get up from his back and sit on the bed.

He takes one of the pillow and hug it tightly.

"Why she look so sad when she let go of my hand" he still thinking about Yn reaction on his confession.

"Lets go and ask her Hobi." he get up from his bed.

But he reach the door he stop moving.

"Its almost 3 am in the morning. She might had sleep." Hobi walk back to his bed.

Again he stop in a halfway and turn back to the door.

"Just go Hobi. " he try to motivate himself.

He walk out from his room slowly.

"She doesnt close her door?" Hobi reach Yn's room and saw the door is slightly open and the light is on.

He push the door slowly and try to have a peak on the bed.

Again he got shocked.

No one on the bed.

Suddenly there's a sound from the bathroom.

He walks near to it and he can heard someone throw up.

He knocks the door.

"Jungkook, is it you?" Yn ask from the inside.

'Is she expecting Jungkook?'

Suddenly Yn open the door.


Hobi looks at Yn with a mix feeling.
She looks so different. She looks to fragile on his eyes.

'Yn, your hair.' Yn put her face towel on her head .

"Are you okay Yn. I heard you throw up just now." Hobi ask for her status.

"I'm good. What are you doing in my room?" she can move herself cause Hobi is blocking her way.

"I saw your door open so I came to check you up." he makes some excuses.

"Okay then. So you can go back to your room." Yn try to send Hobi out.

Hobi nod slowly.
He makes a few step but suddenly he stop.

Yn who walks behind him doesnt expect for that , she bumped into Hobi's back.

Hobi turn to look at Yn.

"Are you okay?" he feel sorry about Yn hitting his back.

He pull Yn chin to make her facing him.

"Is it hurt?" he ask her with his soft voice.

Yn start to feel her heart going crazy inside.

"Yn," Hobi call her names.

"Yes, I am okay,"

"But you look pale."

Yn push his hand from her chin and pull her towel forward to cover her face.

"Are you expecting Jungkook to come to your room?" Hobi ask her a question.

Yn shake her head without looking at Hobi.

"I need to sleep. Can you please leave this room" Yn ask him to leave again.

Hobi doenst move so Yn decide to walk pass by him.

Suddenly she can feel Hobi hands pull her waist closer to him.

"Hobi what are you doing" Yn try to push his hand from her.

"Giving you a back hug" he smile when he said that and he tighten the hug.

"Let me go," Yn try to release herself.

"Shhh.. Stay.. Please.." Hobi whispered.

Yn had been possesed by Hobi soft voice, her body stop fight for a release.

They stay without a words for a few minutes.

"Can you give me a chance to love you Yn," Hobi break the silence.

Yn take a deep breath.

"Dont say you're sorry Yn.." Hobi cuts her word.

Slowly he release his hug and he turns Yn to face him.

"Tell me what should I do to have your love?" Hobi try to beg.

"Nothing Hobi." Yn start to burst in a cry.

"Please, I dont mean to force you Yn." Hobi wipe the tears using his fingers.

"Hobi, please leave. " now Yn turns to beg Hobi.

"Why you hate me Yn? I thought you the same feeling to me." Hobi doesnt give up.

"I never hate you"

"Then why you keep avoid me. Push me away from you"

"Because I love you too" Yn expose her feelings.

Hobi smiles hearing that, he try to pull Yn into his hug but she push his hand away.

"But we cant be together Hobi, we cant" Yn cry out herself.


" Hobi please leave"

" Not untill you tell why we cant be together."

Yn start to feel a sharp headache.

"Yn, why" He come closer to Yn.

"Why we cant be together?" a tears start to run from Hobi eyes.

Suddenly Yn leg getting weak and she almost fall down but Hobi managed to catch her.

Yn slowly close her eyes in Hobi's arm .

"Yn, wake up.." Hobi start to panic.

"Someone HELP ME OVER HERE!!" Hobi shouting for a help.

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