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Jimin passes a piece of paper to Jaja.

Jaja looked at the paper and then shift her looks to Jimin.

Jaja looked at the paper and then shift her looks to Jimin

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"Jimin...Jaja" Jimin draw his flirty smile.

"Are you trying to flirt with me?" Jaja looks at Jimin.

He replies with a wink and smiles at her.

Jaja laughs and returns the piece of paper to Jimin.

"Hobi already warn you about me?" Jimin tries to guess.

Jaja nods her head and she continues to focus on the paper works she's working on just now.

"Ugh... I'm exposed."

Jimin tries to read Jaja's reaction but NO REACTION is DETECTED.

"Are you a twin to Mr. Jung Hoseok ?" Jimin tries to tease Jaja.

"People always say that to us," Jaja replies without a look at him.

Jaja and Hobi meet during their college years and they get along so well until today. They give more than 100% focus and effort to each task they had and the result never betrays their hard work.

'JH twin' is the nickname they got from their college mates and they use it as their brand. When the brand starts to grow, Jaja decide to work behind the scene and she will only show up during the annual meeting.

She believes in Hobi's capability.
But now, they have to change the task.
She needs to give Hobi some space for his life matter.

"Do you love him?" Jimin sends an attack on Jaja.

Jaja only replies with a shake.

"Nice acting but I'm not falling for it," Jimin said and he start to tidy up his things.

It's already 10 pm and he needs some food and rest.

But Jaja still studying the paperwork.

"We still had tomorrow my ladies." Jimin sends a reminder.

Finally, Jaja looks at him.

"You may leave first."

Jimin only nods his head.

"BTW Jaja..." Jimin paused his word.

Jaja waiting for his next word.

"Making yourself busy is not a good way to distract yourself from thinking about someone. If you want him, go for it. If not, ready to lose it." Jimin finishes his words then he leaves after saying goodbye.

Jaja sighs heavily.

"Best friend will only stay as a best friend. I can't move forward or backward. " Jaja whispers to herself.

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