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The meeting went well as per plan. All the BOD agreed to have Jaja as the new CEO for JH lines.

All the meeting committees went out after the meeting except Hobi and Jaja.

"Congratulations to our new CEO." Hobi congratulates his best friend.

"Have a nice holiday to the ex-CEO" Jaja teasing Hobi.

Both of them laugh at their jokes.

"How long will take your leave bro?" Jaja asks Hobi for confirmation. She doesn't want to get involved with JH lines directly, but since Hobi begs her for help she has to do it.

"Maybe forever, " Hobi answered jokingly.

He doesn't know how long he has to leave his position but he knows he couldn't concentrate on his work until Yn is fully recovered.

"Did she know about this?" Jaja asks Hobi. He had told her the reason why he quit his position.

Hobi shakes his head.

"I will just say that I'm on leave."

"You really in love bro,"

"I am," Hobi said proudly.

Both of them walk together from the meeting room and head to the CEO's office.

Along the way, Hobi introduces Jaja as a new CEO to the staff and they receive various reactions.

"I guess they will love you more than me." Hobi continues to tease his buddy.

Hobi opens the door for Jaja to come in.

"You should show them the real Hobi. The bright sunshine side of yourself. Then they will ask me to leave this room asap." Jaja returns the tease.

That's how their conversation went on teasing each other almost all the time.

"Btw how's this room? I got a good taste for interior design isn't it?" Hobi tries to show off.

Jaja just hold up both of her shoulders.

"Not that bad."

Hobi laugh. He knows Jaja won't allow him to win.

Suddenly someone knocks on the door.

"Jimin? Why are you rushing over here?"

Jimin tries to catch his breath.

"Yn.." he managed to say a word.

Hobi starts to panic.

"What happened?" Hobi ask desperately.

"She faints.."

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