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Yn try to draw a smile to Hobi.

"You need to undergo the treatment Yn. " Hobi tries to make her agree again.

"I will.." Yn says her word.

This morning, she just finishes taking her bath and when she wants to do her routine makeup and wig, her hands start to shake and she had a shortness of breath attack.

The next thing that she remembered, she was already in the hospital and Hobi by her side.

"Let's proceed asap. Okay? I will call Jin hyung to check on your condition then we proceed with the chemo after the test or things they need." Hobi explains his plan.

Yn smile and shakes her head slowly.

"I will do it after Jungkook's engagement party.." she replies to him with her plan.

Jungkook and Anyss' engagement party will be held in another two days and she wants to be a part of it.

Hobi just nodded his head.

'She will come with another excuse after the party.'

"Can you ask for the consent form? " Yn ask for help.

Hobi shocked.

"So you will not give any excuse after the party?"

Yn nod.

Hobi give a deep kiss on her forehead.
Finally, she agree to the treatment.

"I will be by your side all the time. We will face it together." Hobi showed her support.

Yn shakes her head.

"You have to work Hobi. I will be okay," Yn reply.

"I had applied for a leave and I'm the boss." Hobi is proud of himself.

"No, you shouldn't do that.."

Hobi holds Yn's hand.

"I bet, you will do the same if you were in my place. Right?" Hobi tries to guess.

And it got Yn with no words.

"You won't give up to get me into the treatment and you will spend your time with me, at the highest and lowest point in my life. Isn't it?" Hobi continues his word.

Yn reply with her beautiful smile.

They look into the eyes of each other without any words.

Their beautiful moment suddenly got disturbed by a knocking on the door and a nurse coming in with a small tray in her hand.

"Evening, sorry for disturb, I have to give a shot of meds to Miss Yn," she explains about her presence.

Hobi looks at Yn. From previous experience, she starts to hold his hand tight and she will scream for help when she sees the needle.

But this time, she's calm and smiling at the nurse.

"Sure," she replies in short.

"Are you okay Yn?" Hobi starts to feel curious.

She nods confidently.

After doing the procedure, the nurse excuse herself.

"Are you sure that you are okay Yn?" Hobi again asks the same question to Yn.

Yn laugh.

"I am a strong girl. It's just a needle. I can do it" she gives her answer with a bright smile.

Hobi also smiles as a reply but he starts to feel something different with Yn's behavior.

"Hobi, you should go and eat something. I will have my nap" Yn replies and make herself lie down with a blanket covering herself.

"Are you sending me out?"

Yn laugh.

"Yes... Now go, I need my sleep. I need to meet my parents in my dream" Yn smiled before she close her eyes trying to sleep.

Hobi starts to worry.

Hobi wakes her up and makes her sit on the bed and face him.

Yn look at him with her unhappy face.

"I want to sleep" she starts to act like a little girl.

"You're not going to meet anyone in your dream. Did you hear me?"
Hobi seems to give her a warning.

Yn pouts.

"Only dream about me... Only me."

Yn laugh.

"Ok, sir.." then she back to her previous position.

Hobi doesn't leave his seat. He stay and watch Yn who had to fall asleep.

'please don't leave me Yn, we will go through this together'

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