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Only the breathing sound can be heard in the room.

There was Hobi, Jungkook, Jimin and Suga waiting for Jin inside his consultation room.

Namjoon and V still at home sleeping without knowing what was happening around the house.

"Can you please tell me , what is going on Jungkook?" Hobi ask Jungkook again.

Along the way to the hospital ,Jungkook and Jin totally ignored his question and only ask him to calm down.

Jungkook bites his lip. He not sure whether he should them him about the truth or not.

Suga pat his back as a support.

"She looks so fragile in my eyes and I know she's hiding something from me" Hobi continue to find the answer.

Jimin only watch his bestfriend from his sit.

Jungkook start to sob.

"The best is, we wait for Jin hyung. He will tell us everything." Suga answer on Jungkook's behalf.

Few weeks ago he saw Jungkook crying so hard in his car. He thought he had a love fight with Anyss , so he ask Jungkook to join him for a drink. The drunk Jungkook again crying and sobbing about his Noona's fate.
Accidentally he told everything about Yn while he drunked.
But Suga had promised to him to keep it as a secret , as what wanted by Yn.

Few minutes later Jin came into the room.

"Jungkook , we need her consent," Jin said with his serious tone.

Jungkook close his eyes tightly.
He had try all his way to get verbal or written consent for the chemo but he fails.

Jin change his point of view to Hobi who look seriously confuse on what the happening to Yn.

"Please help me to get her consent Hobi. We cant lose her." Jin ask for Hobi's help.

"She's your patient?" Hobi ask for a confirmation.

Jin is one of the oncologist, if Yn is under his supervision, its mean she having something like cancer with her.

Jin nod as a yes.

Hobi suddenly feels a shiver over his body. His hand start to shake.

"Hyung," Jimin try to check on him.

Hobi release his heavy sigh.
All his memory with Yn from the meeting on the set untill this morning coming into his mind.

"She's having a cancer Hobi hyung and this is her second times the same cancer attacking her. The first one is last 10years ago." Jungkook start to explain Yn's condition.

Jin cant tell the detail since Yn is her patient and he has no right to talk about her details to the others unless she allow him to do so.

"Last year, she was diagnose of this recurrence attack. She should start the chemo back then but she refuse." Jungkook continue.

He tells everything that happened to Yn with a hope that Hobi will help them to get Yn go for the chemo.

While listening to Jungkook, Hobi can feel his heartache and it give him a sharp of pain to all his body.

'That is why she always avoid me.'

"Will you help us on this Hobi?" Jin again ask for Hobi help.

Slowly Hobi try to get up on his feet but it starts to feel so weak. So Jimin help by holding him to stand up.

"I'm sorry" Hobi said before he ask Jimin to send him home.

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