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Sara smiled after seeing her final touch on Yn's face.

"Yn you look great as always." Sara adores her best friend.

They are now in a hotel room that they had booked to prepare themself for the Jungkook-Anyss engagement party.

They are now in a hotel room that they had booked to prepare themself for the Jungkook-Anyss engagement party

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"Hobi made this one for me." Yn proudly waved her dress in front of Sara.

"I should find a designer boyfriend as well.."Sara reacts like she's jealous but the reality, she's so happy for Yn.

Suddenly someone clears his throat behind their back.

" Opps" Yn sends a signal to Sara.

Sara gulps her saliva.

"But.. I guess I will stick with my kitty" Sara correct her words before she turns to the guy behind her.

Yoongi was there staring at her with his deep stare.
She smiles widely at Yoongi.

"I can hear your words Sara." he makes his pouty cutie face.

"I just joking.." Sara explains to Yoongi and their debate drama session begins.

Yn laughs watching these two love birds.

Later another person comes into the room.

"Can you two excuse yourself from this room? I need my privacy with my girl." Hobi interrupts the 'drama' between Yoongi and Sara.

He walks towards Yn, smiling proudly when he saw her in the dress he made.

After Yoongi and Sara left the room, Hobi went to Yn's back and start to fix her dress here and there.

"It reminds me of our photoshoot session," Hobi says while fixing some detail on her waist.

Yn can't hide her smile.
The memories playing in her mind.

"Almost the same vibe." Yn reply.

Hobi stops his activity and turns Yn to face him.


Yn nod.

Now her hands playing around Hobi suits. Even though there's nothing to fix, she still wants to play with his suit.

"During the photoshoot, I can't call you mine." Yn whisper.

Hobi starts to laugh.

"And now?" he wants Yn to continue her words.

"You are mine," Yn says and locks her eyes into his.

"Can we have the double engagement party for today?" Hobi tries to tease Yn.

Yn shakes her head and laughs in tiny.

"Let me call Jungkook." Hobi pretends to dial Jungkook's number.

Yn burst into laughter.

But suddenly Hobi start to feel a sharp pain in his both limbs. His holds on Yn's waist get loose.

He tries to hold on to the chair for support but suddenly he falls to the floor.

Yn kneeled and help him to sit on the floor.

"Hobi, is it hurt?" Yn starts to worry.
It looks like the symptom that Jimin had told her yesterday.

Hobi tries to control his breathing and pain.

"I'm okay," he said in his shaking voice. He tries to draw a smile for Yn.

"Give me your phone, and I will call for help." Yn tries to take Hobi's phone. Her phone is on the table and out of her reach.

Hobi shakes his head. He looks at her worried face.

"It's just a cramp. I will be okay in a few minutes." Hobi tries to calm her down.

Yn looks at Hobi. He still put a smile on his face.

Yn's fingers slowly caress his cheek.

"I know everything about your MS Hobi." Yn being honest with him.

Hobi look shocked.

"How? I mean who..."

"From where I know is not a matter, the matter is you need to be treated." Yn continue her word.

Hobi holds the hand on his cheeks.

"You want to see me be well treated isn't it, and so do I. Please don't ignore yourself just for my sake." Yn starts to beg Hobi.

Just by seeing him fall just now, her heart was broken. What if his condition is worsened?
She can't bear to imagine the feeling.

"Don't do stupid decisions like what I had done to myself "

Honestly, she starts to regret her decision to refuse the treatment in the first place. When she has a chance and choice, she turns it down.

Now she's facing the consequences.

"You have to go to the doctor, gets your meds, and do the treatment if it is needed" Yn tries to motivate Hobi.

Hobi shakes his head. His eyes start to fill with tears.

"I can't," Hobi says slowly, and a teardrop from his eyes.

"Jin hyung has told me about your real situation Yn."

Hobi looks into Yn's eyes.
Before he walks into the room, he received a call from Jin, since he can't make it to this party, he needs Hobi's helps to give full attention to Yn.

If she's showing any sign of restlessness or shortness of breath, she needs to head to the hospital asap.

"I can't lose any moments that I had. I want to stay with you. Only you" Hobi starts to beg Yn.

He knows Yn's chances are getting low and he needs to be with her.

"Hobi, please don't make me cry. I had makeup on my face. I can't ruin it"

Hobi burst into a laugh after hearing Yn's words.

He knows Yn try to light up the mood between them.

Yn holds both of Hobi's hands in her.

"Hobi, whatever happened, please promise me you will get yourself the treatment. You can't give up."Yn still working to make Hobi promise to her.

Hobi still shakes his head, pretending that he doesn't hear any of her words.

" No matter what happened to me, you have to move on, being healthy and happy..." Yn continue her words.

Hobi still looks down at their hands.
He can't look into her eyes.

'Is she saying her goodbye?'

"Do you love me?" Yn ask softly.

Hobi nods slowly.

"Hobi, look at me," Yn tries to get Hobi to look into her eyes.

Slowly he looks into her face and her teary eyes.

Yn gives a light kiss on his cheek then she rests her face on his cheek.

"Promise me Hobi..." She whispered.

Hobi was left with no choice, Yn won't stop begging him until he do as she ask.

"I promise you."

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