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A year had passed.

Hobi came again to the bench where's Yn spend her last breath with him by her side.

Then he looks at their engagement ring.

A smile is drawn on his face.

He looks around the place and takes a sit on the bench.

He closes his eyes slowly and in a few moments, he starts to feel the warmth in his arm.

It's the same warm as when Yn's held it last time.

"I miss you," he said to the air.

He never stop thinking about Yn since the day she left him.

But he has to be strong.

He never cry since the moment he left the bench with Yn's body. He remains calm at all times.

He does everything as he had promised to Yn.

Went for his treatment, going through his day with work and friends.

But today he lost.

He starts to cry himself out.

"I miss you. It's too empty inside here." he puts his hand on his chest.

"I need you to fill in this place Yn.."

Hobi keeps crying about his hidden sorrow. His crying sound filled the place.

Jimin looks at him from away with his teary eyes.

He knows Hobi is not as strong as he is portrayed outside. But he never opens up his sorrow to anyone.

Suddenly, a figure comes and stands next to him Jimin.

"Is he crying?" Jaja asks Jimin.

Jimin wipes his tears. Try to calm himself.

"Are you also crying?" Jaja laughs at Jimin.

Jimin ignores her tease.

Jaja whispered something to Jimin, then Jimin nod his head.

After that, she walks slowly to Hobi.

"Are you done with your crying session?" Jaja takes sits next to Hobi.

Hobi chuckles and wipes his tears.

"I miss her a lot.." Hobi told Jaja.

Jaja nods in understanding.

"I can feel her warm hands holding on my arm," Hobi hold his arm like he was holding Yn's hands.

"Here" Jaja gives a small box to Hobi.

Hobi looks at Jaja and she gives him a sign to take it and open it.

There's a ring inside it and its look so familiar to him.

"Yn gives it to me and she asks me to wear it when I'm ready," Jaja tells the story behind the ring.

Hobi look at the ring. He can't recall anything about it.

"She said you had promised to grow old with the one who wears this ring." Jaja helps Hobi to gain his memories.

Hobi now remembers the ring.

"But why did she give this ring to you?" Hobi still doesn't get the situation.

"Because I love you." Jaja gives her answer with a straight face.

"What?" Hobi shocked.

Jaja nods her head.

"For real?" Hobi ask her again.

"Yes previously," Jaja reply him with a smile.

"I believe you deserve to grow old with the girl you love. And it's not going to be me." Jaja knows Hobi doesn't have any feelings for her more than a friend and it's not fair if she uses the rings just to make Hobi fulfill his promise to Yn.

"Girl that I love? She's gone Jaja.."

"You need to meet someone Hobi. Yn wants you to be happy. She doesn't want you to stay inside the memories that she had left." Jaja tries to motivate Hobi.

Hobi looks at Jaja.

"So, how about now? Do you still love me?" Hobi tries to tease her.
He buried his sadness away. He can't be drawn with emotion.

Jaja laugh and smiles at Hobi.

She shows off a ring on her fourth finger.

"Daeng!!" Hobi laughs happily.

"Who is he?" He needs to know who's the lucky guy.

Jaja laughs in tiny.

She points at someone behind them.

"Jimin?" Hobi can believe the situation.

Jaja nods her head and smiles happily.

Jimin is always there for her when she needs a hand to run the company, and when she needs support. An additional point, she always feels happy with Jimin by her side.

And when Jimin asks if she can give him a chance to love her, without a doubt she says yes to him.

"I'm so happy for you" Hobi congratulates Jaja and Jimin.

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