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Jimin rush into the room without a knock on the door.

Hobi who is lying on the sofa turn his head to Jimin.

"Get out, and the knock the door" instruct Hobi.

"I dont care about the door , now I really want to know what is your problem?" Jimin totally ignored the instruction given.

"What?" Hobi ask lazy. He need a space for himself. His mind in a ness right now.

"You want to cancel your bride collection? This new collection? Are you out of your mind?" Jimin burst out.

He have to attend a lot of call from the BOD after Hobi send out an email to call of his bride collection project.

"If you really want to call it off , make it in a right way. Do you how crazy it is right now? We have spend a lot of money and efforts for this collection,"
Jimin continue.

"I will pay the lost," Hobi again answer it with his lazy tones.

Jimin release his heavy sigh.

"Why?" now he needs to know what is the reason behind this call off issue.

"Its not happening like what I want." Hobi gives his answer.

"Hyung, its not about the collection right? This is all about the one who inspire you isnt it?" Jimin try makes Hobi told him the whole story.

Hobi get up from his back.

"Am I make it too obvious Jimin. Too obvious that I had fall for her?" Hobi start to tell his story.

Jimin doesnt give any reaction.

" I still remember her eyes, when we bump or meet at the first time. Her voice say 'Sorry' got me off guard. " Hobi smiles while he tell Jimin about his first meet with his 'inspiration'.

"I never stop thinking about her, but I dont have a gut to make a first move. But she do.."

Jimin listen to Hobi with a smile. Eventhough this is not his first time listening to the same story but he love to see Hobi bright face when he talk about his 'inspiration'.

"I was rushing for a meeting that day, but I saw her in a coffee shop, so I go in and acting like I'm waiting for someone over there." Hobi laugh. He almost lost a deal because he late for the meeting.

"I just want to look at her. It enough for a coward like me. But suddenly I saw she's coming to me with a coffee." again he laugh.

"She totally shaking that time, which make me think that she also had feel something to me." then Hobi stop. His smile fade.

"she accidentally spill of that coffee into my sketch book, and..."

Jimin looks at Hobi. He stroke his hair and massage his stiff neck slowly.

"I ask her to stay away from me." Hobi get up from the sofa. He needs some air. He can feel a heartache inside his chest.

"And I never see her again. She only comes into my dream, smiling in a beautiful white dress." Hobi continue his words in a shaking voice.
He's trying to hold his tears.

"I sketch out the dress and I want it to be the main dress for my collection." he start to smile again.

Hobi turns to face Jimin.

"I saw her profile in your list. But I cant choose her eventhough I really want her to wear that dress. Not the other model. Because I had ask her to stay away from me, and I'm sure she will say NO.."

Jimin smile. Finally his puzzle about who is Hobi's inspiration is solve.

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