PART 15 : Hodgkin Lymphoma

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FLASHBACK - 1years ago

"You must be kidding me .." Yn cant believe the news she just receive.

"I'm sorry. You're having a recurrence Hodgkin Lymphoma cancer." Jin have to tell her this bad news.

"But I had fully recovered from this cancer 10 years ago Jinnie. Why it have to come back now? When I am at the top of my career." Yn start to act emotionally.

"Yn, lets start the treatment and it might help you." Jin try to convince her.

"and it will come back again after few years?" Yn start to deny the chances to recover.

"Yn, please. I'm talking to you as a friend, " Jin keep on trying.

Yn only shakes her head.

"I just want a pill. Pain killer or whatever. I dont want to undergo those chemo session anymore" Yn give her last word before she leave Jin's consultation room.


YN smiling to herself on the mirror.
Slowly she pull out her wig, and remove her makeup.

She have to wear the wig because her hair start to reduce in volume.
And make up to cover her pale face.

She have to decline all the offers and contract she got since last year.
She decide to work as a freelance model so she wont tied with any collection or agency.

Her health condition is getting worse day by day. These recurrence cancer start to grow faster than previous.

And few weeks ago, its start to spread to the other organ. The only treatment left is chemotherapy.

But she have to sacrifice and say a good bye to her career.

Jungkook and Jin never stop to advice her to do the treatment but she doesnt ready to face it yet.

She ask for a month, a month for her to spend her time with her love one.


A year ago, she meet Hobi in the agency. His bright smile, the small dimple , it had caught her attention.
She never fell so in love with a man besides him.

But sadly...

The day she fell in love for the first time, it is also a day she receive the news about this recurrence cancer.

"I wish I can told him that I love him before I have to leave him."

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