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"I mean it Yn. I love you. I dont want to lose you. " Hobi start to confess his feeling to her.

"I'm sorry.." Yn slowly release her hand from Hobi.

She get up and walk to her room.


'i'm sorry? Is it a No? She said No to me infront of everyone?'

Without waiting any minutes more, Hobi leave the dining room and walk out from the house.

He get into his car and he rest his head on the car steering wheel.

'Am I that bad in her eyes? I can feel that she had something on me but why she saying sorry?'

'And whats on Earth gets on you Hobi, why you have to confess your feelings infront of everyone?'

'Why cant you take it easy.. Why Hobi .. Why!!!'

"ARGHHHHHHH" Hobi shouting in his car.

"Hyung, open the door.." suddenly a voice coming from the passenger side with a little knock on the mirror.

Jimin get in the car after Hobi unlock the door.

"Hyung, are you going somewhere?" Jimin start to wear the seatbelt.

Hobi look at him with his confuse look.

"Let me go with you. I know you are not in a stable mind." Jimin tap Hobi's shoulder. Trying to give him some support.

"I just want to have some peace of mind inside my car ALONE." Hobi pull out Jimin's seat belt and give him a sign to leave.

Jimin show his pouty face.

"Hyung, " Jimin doesnt want to leave.

Suddenly someone open the passenger door.

"Hobi, we need to talk." Jin bend his body to reach out for Hobi.

"About what?" Hobi question him back.

"Yes .. Tell me, about what?" Jimin join him.

Jin put his hand on Jimin mouth to make sure no more sound is out from his mouth.

"Yn.. I will wait for you in my room.
Only you Hobi.." after that Jin leave both of them and get into the house.

"I'm coming with you.." Jimin offered himself to go with Hobi eventhough Jin had said that he only want to meet Hobi.

Hobi ignores Jimin. He looks at Jin untill he went into their house.

"Is there anything related between Jin and Yn?" Hobi ask himself.

"We need to figure it out, after you leave the table, Jin hyung went straight into Yn's room." Jimin start to present his report.

Hobi turn his face to Jimin.

"YN's room?"

Jimin nod his head.

"A few minutes later Jungkook joins them. I tried to join them but Yoongi hyung doesnt allow me or anyone else to disturbed Yn." Jimin continue.

"What is happening over here?" Hobi start to think hardly.

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