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"Where am I ?" her first question she ask after she open her eyes.

"In a hospital. You faint in your room and we take you here," Jungkook gives her an explaination.

Yn nods understand. She try to moves but there is something on her hand.

She looks at her hand and she starts to have the panic attack and its getting worse when she saw a drip by her side.

"What is this?" she try to pull the branula in her hand.

Jungkook hold her hand to stop her from pulling the needle.

"Its just a normal saline Noona. Look at the bottle, its not the chemo thing." Jungkook try to calm her.

Yn look at the bottle again and yes its not the one for chemo like she used to had before.

"We wont do it without your consent Yn." Jin finally join the conversation.

Jin was there with Yn and Jungkook but he only stand still without any words.

"But please Yn, do not skip your meal , your meds. Please, I beg you," Jin continue.

Jungkook rub her hand softly.

"I'm sorry, I should take a good care on you Noona. " Jungkook ask for her forgiveness.

He should keep his promise to take a good care on her but he fail.

"She's old enough to take care on her ownself Jungkook." Jin burst out.

"Hyung, calm down" Jungkook ask Jin to control his emotion.

" I admit that this is my fault. I'm sorry." Yn slowly say sorry to both Jungkook and Jin.

Jin look at Yn , he try to calm himself.
He shouldnt lose with his emotion.

"I'll be in my room. Anything, just call me," Jin said before leave the room.
He cant stay any longer.

He needs Yn to go withbthe treatment, her condition is getting worse day by day. But he dont have any idea how to convince the girl that he loves the most.
Its hard for Jin to look at Yn without doing anything that can help her.

"He never mad at me before, but Jin start to act different since last night" Yn give her opinion to Jungkook.

Jungkook pat her hair slowly.

"Maybe he's tired. I'll talk to him later okay"

Yn nod her head slowly.

"Jungkook, " Yn call him.

"Yes noona.."

" Who brings me here?"

"Its me and Jin hyung" Jungkook try not to mention about Hobi.

Yn nod her head slowly.


Yn smile shyly.

"I had a dream. A beautiful dream but at the same times it was a sad dream" she answer him.

"About Hobi?" Jungkook try to guess.

Yn shocked.

Jungkook laugh.

'Its not a dream Noona'

"How did you know?" she ask him back.

"Well you said it's a beautiful dream, you wont say it was beautiful if I am the one who come into your dream"

Yn laugh for Jungkook's joke.

"Tell me about your dream, did he kiss you this time?" Jungkook try to tease.

"No !!" Yn laugh to the teasing.

"Since it is my dream, I will keep it by myself," Yn continue.

Jungkook nod his head.
As long as Yn is happy , it is more than enough.
But something is distracting Jungkook's mind now.

"Noona.." Jungkook try to arrange his words.
Yn have to know that Hobi already knew everything about her.


"I had told him everything about you." Jungkook admit the thing he had done this morning to Yn.


"Hobi hyung.."

"What do you mean by everything?"

Yn let her anger out by hitting Jungkook arm.

"I have too. Cause I need his help to get your consent. You need these chemo Noona. "

"Why are you doing this to me" she still hitting Jungkook.

Jungkook hold both of her hands.

"I'm sorry.. I'm really sorry."

Yn try to release her hands from Jungkook.

"Noona, stop. Please.."

"Why you have to tell everyone about me? For what Jungkook? Do you all of them to pity me?" Yn lost in her emotion.

Jungkook only shakes his head.

"Let me go Jungkook" Yn use all the strength she had.

"Jeon YN. STOP!! I said stop!" for the first time, Jungkook raise up his voice.

Yn doesnt want to give up.

"Let me go and leave me." she still try to release her hands.

Jungkook doesnt have other choice, he let her hands go slowly.

"Please leave me" Yn ask Jungkook to leave her room.


"I said leave me!!" she start shouting.

"Please, I know I was wrong.."

Yn push Jungkook body away from her.

"I dont want to see you.. Leave!!"

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