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Sara look at Yoongi with her death stare.

Yoongi start to scratch his head.

"Sara, I had promise him. You will know everything but its not now." again he beg Sara to stop forcing him to reveal Yn's secret.

Sara get up from the sofa.

"Hand me your car key," Sara give her instruction.

Yoongi gives the key to Sara.

"Let me drive you home." Yoongi try to win over Sara heart.

"You will not going to see me and your car untill you tell me about everything." Sara give him a warning.

"Why my car have to get involved in this issue?" Yoongi come with a question.

Sara make her shock face.

" Are you trying to tell me that you love your car more than you love me? Is that what you are trying to say Min Yoongi? " Sara ask him back with her eagle eye.

"Sara, its not what i mean. Please, we need to respect Yn's decision. Its not my decision to make it as a secret." Yoongi again explain the whole situation to Sara.

"Who am I to her. I thought I am her bestfriend. I want to be with her in the best and worst situation. She's everything to me." Sara tell him about her feelings.

Yoongi look at Sara with his cynical look.

"Are you trying to tell me that you love your Yn more than you love me? Is that what you are trying to say Miss Sara? "

"Are you mocking me?"

"Give me back the key, I will drive you and Anyss home."

"No you're not. I will send her by myself , using your car."

" Sara please..."
Yoongi try to reach Sara's hand but she avoid it.

"Dont you dare to touch me untill you clear up this thing.." Sara push Yoongi hand.

She takes Anyss hand and they went out to the car.

"Sara, is it okay to do this to Yoongi?" Anyss start to feel guilty.

Sara wink to her and ask her to get into the car.

Sara slowly drive the car out from the house and head to their destination.

"Yoongi will be fine. I know he just doing the thing as what he had promised.
But I feel bad, cause I doesnt have any idea that Yn having some issue. And now I'm worried about her" after a few minutes of silence, Sara break it with her words.

"Yn doesnt want you to be worry or sad. Thats all," Anyss try to make Sara feel better.

" Is she sick Anyss?" Sara try to get the answer from Anyss.

"I shoudnt tell you this, but I think you have the to know about her current situation" Anyss start to give up.

Its sad to see Yn having her hard time alone. Sara might help to give her more support so she wont give up on her life.

Sara stop the car the road side. She start to losing her focus.

" What happened to her?" Sara ask Anyss but she only look at the steering wheel and she hold it tightly . Hoping that its not as what she's thinking.

"She's dying Sara.." Anyss break the secret.

Sara close her eyes tightly and a tears start to flow out from her eyes.

"She doesnt want to be treat. It have been a year. Now, she's in her last stage. Her cancer had go to the other organ. But still , she refuses to undergo the chemo session." Anyss try to hold her tears and cry as well.

"She dont want to be seen weak . If she have to, she want to do it alone. That is why she's going to move to States." Anyss continue

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