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Both of them stay in warm hugs for a while without any words.

Yn slowly pulls out herself of the hug and looks at Hobi's face.

She touches every inch of his face slowly using her fingers.

"Thanks for coming into my life. Even for a while, but you're the most precious gift I had from God." Yn holds Hobi's face in her both hands.

"At my lowest time, you came and bring me up. You help me to bear all the pains I had. You help me to be strong on the last day of my life."Yn continue her words.

Hobi shakes his head.

"We still have a long day ahead of us Yn." Hobi also holds Yn's small face with both of his hands.

He wipes the tears that fall on her cheeks.

"Do you want to know something?"

Hobi nods his head.

"I never stop praying to God to give me a chance to meet you and to love you. I ask Him to give you as compensation to myself. He gives me same cancer two times and it is not fair if I don't ask for something as compensation." Yn laughs at her foolish thinking.

"Did you do that?" Hobi ask in disbelief.

"Yes, and He gives it to me and I know it's the sign that my time is almost done here."

"Yn, don't say that. " Hobi stop her from talking nonsense.

"It's the deal Hobi. He can take my life anytime He wants if He let me have you even just for a day." Yn start to cry.

Hobi pulls her close to him.

"I should ask Him to give me at least a year to be with you" she still tries to jokes in her cry.

Hobi only nods his head. He lost his words.

Yn pull out herself of the hug.

"I need to see your face. This is the only time I have." Yn try to smile while looking into Hobi's eyes.

Hobi tries to look calm. But his body is shaking trying to hold the tears he had in his eyes

"You will be fine okay... You will"
He still needs Yn by his side.

"Do you remember all the promises you made yesterday and today?" Yn ask Hobi.

Hobi shakes his head.

"I don't want to remember anything." Hobi starts to sob.

"Bad boy.." Yn try to tease him.

"Get your treatment Hobi. You shouldn't end up like me." Yn reminds him.

Hobi still shakes his head.

Yn holds Hobi's face, so she can look at him.

"Start a new life, a better life without me, meet and appreciate the one who loves you more than I do." Yn hands start to shake.

She doesn't want to say her last words but she knows she has to. Sooner or later, she has to leave him.

Hobi closes his ears using his hands. He doesn't want to hear anything from Yn.

Yn slowly takes his hand down and holds it.

"If you love me. Look at me and listen to me.." Yn begs Hobi to look at her.

"And if you love me... Don't leave me" Hobi looks into Yn's eyes.

Yn nod.

He takes one of Hobi's hands and places it on his chest.

"I will always be here. Deep inside there" she gives her answer.

Suddenly Yn chokes in a cough again.

Hobi patted Yn's back and give her the water.

After a sip of the drink, Yn looks so tired.

"May I lend your shoulders for a nap?"

Hobi pats his shoulder and lets Yn place her head by its side.

Then Yn hugs his arm like a pillow.

"Let's take a nap for 10 minutes, then we head to the hospital okay." again Hobi wants to take Yn away from this place.

Yn still shakes her head.

"Sunset.." she said a word.

Hobi gives up.

"After the sunset, we went back. Deal?" Hobi makes a new deal.

Yn laughs in tiny and ignores the deal.

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