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Hobi again stares at Jaja with his widened eyes.

Jimin takes a plate of food from Hobi's hand and put them on the table.
Jimin worried that Hobi might throw those plates to the floor when he loses his mind.

"She doesn't want me to go with her," Jaja again explains why she lets Yn go to the washroom alone.

Jimin gives a sign to Jaja to remain silent. She shouldn't keep on provoking his temper.

"Hyung, she will be good okay. " Jimin tries to calm the situation.

"If anything happened to her, I won't forgive you for the rest of my life." he sends a warning to Jaja.

Jaja was shocked by the warning coming from Hobi.

"What is your problem Hobi?" Jaja starts to raise her voice.

Her voice starts to attract a few guests to turn to them.

"Guys... We're at someone's engagement party. Can you two please hold the grudge you had against each other? Don't ruin this party. Please" Jimin tries to remind his friends about their current situation.

"I am your best friend Hobi. What is the thing that gets into you and makes you say that to my face?" Jaja ignores Jimin's request.

She needs to know why Hobi drastically avoids and hates her.

"Is it just because I ask you to seek treatment? " Jaja asks again.

"Can you just stop minding about my life?" Hobi replied to Jaja.

"I care about you Hobi," Jaja needs him to understand. He was everything to her, she can let him away from her life.

"I don't need you or anyone else to care about me. Just mind your own business,"

"Is everything okay?" suddenly a soft voice came to them.

Hobi turns to the voice.

Yn standing next to him with her curious eyes.
Both Hobi and Jaja look so tense.

Without any minutes Hobi holds her face in his both hands and inspects all inches of Yn's face.

"Hobi .." Yn calls him to stop his action.

"Where have you been, is everything okay?" Hobi's firm voice turns soft when he asks Yn.

'He sounds so different when he talks to her,'
Jaja tries to hold her pain by biting her lips.

"Hobi, I'm fine, I just..." Before Yn could able finish her words Hobi took her into his arm.

"Please don't make me worried about you again. " Hobi starts to feel relieved.

"Okay but please let me go. People are watching" Yn try to release herself but she can't.

"Yn.." Jaja called out her name.

"Let me go, Jaja is calling me" Yn pushes Hobi away from her again.

Hobi loosens his hug and lets Yn faces Jaja.

"Are you okay?" Yn ask when she looks at Jaja's gloomy face.

"I don't need this," Jaja replied and she give the small box back to Yn.

"But," Yn couldn't finish her words when Jaja just walked pass her and leave the party.

Hobi stands still.

A guilty feeling starts to fill in his chest. He was so harsh to Jaja.

Jimin sighs heavily.

"Look what you had done now hyung. Daengggg my food !!" Jimin takes a look at the food he takes just now.

"I had to leave you, I'm sorry food." Jimin sends the sorry for the plate of food he gets for himself just now.

Jimin needs to leave his beloved food and had to run to catch up with Jaja's pace but before he left Yn calls his name.

"This is not mine. Please give it back to Jaja" Yn pass the small box to Jimin.

He nod understood and left both of them.

Hobi still stays silent.

"You owe me an explanation Hobi," Yn looks at the silence Hobi.

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