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Yn holds the sink to support herself.
After Sara, Yoongi, and Jimin left, she went to the bathroom.

It's almost 15 minutes and she is still in the bathroom. Throw up everything she had.

She starts to feel weak and pain starts to stab all around her body but she doesn't want to give up.

She walks slowly by using the door and wall to support her move.

When she reaches her bed, there's a text coming in. She reaches for her phone and smiles after reading the text.

' I'm on my way to meet my girl. I will be there in 10 minutes. '

A text from Hobi will always make her day. Yn looks at herself in the mirror and wipes the sweat on her forehead.
She needs to look great in front of Hobi. Then she takes out a box of rings from the drawer.

Yn opens the box, pulls out the ring, and wears it on her finger.

Yn opens the box, pulls out the ring, and wears it on her finger

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She looks at the ring.

'I hope he will remember this ring.'

Then Hobi came into the room after a few knocks on the door.

He saw Yn smiling while looking at her hand.

"What are you looking at? " Hobi asks her a question.

Yn shows him her ring happily.

"A ring? Where did you get that?" Hobi ask after he places a paper bag on the corner of the bed.

Hobi walks to Yn, holds her hand, and does some inspection on the ring.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Yn ask for his opinion.

Hobi shifts his looks at Yn.

"Who gives you this ring?" he starts to feel jealous.

Yn laugh.

"No one... I buy for myself"

Hobi nod his head and he feels relief hearing the answer.

"but I want you to look at this ring carefully and you have to remember this ring. "

Hobi look at Yn with full question marks in his eyes.


Yn sigh.

"Come on Hobi. Promise me you won't forget about this ring!" she gives her pinky to Hobi for a deal.

"Yn, this is just a simple ring. Nothing special about this." Hobi pushes down her pinky.

Yn smiles.

"It will be a special ring for you on one fine day," she said with her wide smile. A smile with a big hope liaises in there.

" Weirdo.." Hobi teases her.

Yn only laugh.

"Hobi, you should ask me, what is so special about this ring," Yn asks Hobi to question her.

"Should I ?"

"Yaaaa... Hobi... Ask me!"

Hobi laughs watching her childish behavior.

"Ok... What is so special about this ring Miss Yn?" he does as Yn requests.

Yn cleared her throat.

"The one who wears this ring.." she shows the ring again to Hobi.

Hobi nod trying to get into her play.

Yn again draws a wide happy smile to him.

"She is the one who's ready to spend her whole life with a man named Jung Ho Seok." Yn smiles shyly while waiting for his reaction.

Hobi nods his head slowly trying to understand the words from Yn.

"Spend her whole life?"Hobi repeats her word.

"Wait.." Hobi tries to control his excitement.

Yn bites her lips to control her laugh at Hobi's reaction.

"Are you trying to say, " he looks at Yn with a smile.

Yn nods as a signal for him to continue.

"that you want to spend your whole life with me? Is this a kind of proposal?" Hobi holds both Yn's hands in his.

Yn again nods her head slowly.

Both of them laugh happily.

"I love you Yn."

"And I love you more Hobi. "

Hobi pulls her into a hug and kisses her on the forehead.

"I mean it Hobi. I want to love you, spend my life, my last breath by having you by my side." Yn confess her feelings in his arms.

Hobi tightens his hug.

"We will grow old together. We will.." Hobi gives his promise.

Yn released the hug.

"Promise me you will grow old with the one who wears this?" again she shows him the ring.

Hobi nod his head as a promise.

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